19 Sep 2009

Some things change in Iran, but some things stay the same

The Iranian government would have us believe that the opposition is dying, suppressed out of all existence.

Since mid July it’s been pretty much impossible for large crowds to gather – every time they do, basiij militia come out to beat people up or arrest them. The opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi said he had evidence that rape had been widely used in prisons.

And yet yesterday, when the government called people onto the streets for the official anti-Israel demonstrations, tens of thousands got out their green wristbands, green banners and posters and started shouting “Not Gaza, Not Lebanon, We will die for Iran!”

We saw pictures of anti-government protests in Shiraz, Tabriz and Isfahan. The opposition hijacked the demonstration and proved that they’re active, determined and numerous.

Interestingly, the protests don’t seem to have been put down as viciously as on previous occasions. In one piece of footage we saw a black-clad riot police and protestors milling around together quite peacefully; one was even smiling.

Something has changed in Iran – but not President Ahmadinejad. He was out there denying the Holocaust again today, provoking Israel and the West, ensuring that Iran remains isolated, reducing any chance of détente with America.

Some things then stay the same…at least for the moment.