27 Mar 2013

Syria’s Descent: talk live to Alex Thomson in Damascus

Chief Correspondent

As part of our special Syria’s Descent series we are hoping to set up a live video chat directly between viewers and Alex Thomson – what would you ask?

Syria's civil war: live debate (Getty)

It’s two years since the Arab Spring spread to Syria. Initially peaceful protests were brutally repressed by President Assad’s forces, and in the following months, clashes exploded into a full-scale civil war that has ripped the country apart.

Over 70,000 people have died and millions have been affected or displaced by the ongoing fighting.

Our Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson is in Damascus as Channel 4 News looks at Syria’s Descent in a series of special reports.

He has seen both sides of the war targeting civilians as the humanitarian situations grows ever more hellish. Channel 4 News has also profiled the nature of the Syria’s opposition and exposed its worrying links with extreme jihadist groups.

But what does the future hold? And what more can Alex tell us about the devastating situation on the ground? He’s going to attempt to join us in a Google Hangout on Thursday to answer these questions and more.

What would you ask? Get in touch @channel4news on Twitter, on Facebook or on Google+ and we will put your questions to him in a live video debate. If you are on Google+, you may even be able to put them to him yourself in a live video link-up.

A note of caution though – the situation in Syria is very unstable, as is the technology, and it is possible that we cannot maintain a link with Alex. If this happens, we will put your questions to him whenever possible.