
  • 25 Aug 2017

    Rod McKenzie, from the Road Haulage Association, and the director of the Transport Research Laboratory, Richard Cuerden, discuss ‘self-driving’ lorries.

  • 25 Aug 2017

    They’re not quite as driverless as you might think, but the Government is spending £8m to test out convoys of ‘self-driving’ lorries on British roads by the end of next year. The lead vehicle will control things like acceleration and braking, and there’ll still be a driver in the cab to operate the steering. Ministers…

  • 7 Aug 2017

    First Uber – now Google is the latest tech giant to be embroiled in a sexism row.  An internal memo written by a male software engineer has gone viral – and sparked outrage amongst Google’s female staff over his claims that the lack of women in senior roles was down to biological differences.

  • 7 Aug 2017

    There’s no escaping your past if you live your life online: it’s all out there, visible for anyone to see. But soon you could get the right to make sure those episodes you’d prefer to forget can actually be forgotten. Ministers have outlined a new Data Protection Bill – giving people more control over what…

  • 22 May 2017

    The social media giant Facebook is facing new scrutiny over the way it moderates potentially harmful or dangerous content, after its secret guidelines for staff and moderates were leaked to the press, revealing huge inconsistencies over issues like violence, sexual images and hate speech. The company says with such a diverse global community there will…

  • 12 May 2017

    From Dumfries and Galloway to Colchester in Essex, hospitals and NHS trusts across the country have been thrown into chaos by a massive cyber hack.

  • 12 Apr 2017

    Artificial Intelligence – once the stuff of science fiction, it’s now becoming a reality across our society. Healthcare is one area where doctors believe AI could transform the way patients are treated – so could it be a saviour for the cash strapped NHS?

  • 9 Apr 2017

    This Google executive was desperately unhappy despite his success, so he decided to find the equation for happiness.

  • 21 Feb 2017

    Jacquelyn Guderley, co-founder of Stemettes a social enterprise supporting young women into the science, technology, engineering and maths industries, and Merici Vinton, co-founder of Ada’s list, an online community that aims to connect and support women in tech.

  • 18 Jan 2017

    Passwords used by Donald Trump’s incoming cyber security advisor Rudy Giuliani and 13 other top staff members have been leaked in mass hacks, a Channel 4 News investigation can reveal.

  • 24 Nov 2016

    Channel 4 News reveals a cottage industry producing fake online news stories from an unexpected location. But who is behind them and what motivates them?

  • 24 Nov 2016

    Joining us is Ella Whelan, assistant editor at Spiked Online, who doesn’t want to see news regulated by social media host sites. Claire Wardle, an academic at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism, dedicates her research to verifying sources and understanding the algorithms that make the spread of fake news online possible.

  • 21 Nov 2016

    They’re young, they’re smart and they’re tech-savvy, but could they be heading to Germany? Amid all the uncertainty about doing business and working in post-Brexit Britain, Berlin is over here, trying to lure tech sector talent over there.

  • 21 Jul 2016

    The future of crime?

    Welcome to the future of crime: high volume, low margin.

  • 27 Jan 2016

    Arrests at TalkTalk subcontractor over personal data breaches

    Indian police have arrested three employees of a sub-contractor of TalkTalk, who are accused of stealing customers’ data and using it to con them out of thousands.