24 Sep 2021

This is the new Afghanistan

It’s been just over a month since the Taliban took Kabul. Some fled Afghanistan, not wanting to see what their new lives might look like. Others stayed out of choice or because there was no other option.

It’s been just over a month since the Taliban took Kabul. Some fled Afghanistan, not wanting to see what their new lives might look like. Others stayed out of choice or because there was no other option.

And there was talk of a new, reformed Taliban that’s less strict and less restrictive of women’s rights than the regime of the 1990s, but what is life like now in the new Afghanistan?

Kiran speaks to our international editor Lindsey Hilsum, who recently spent two weeks in the country to find out who makes up the new administration, what the future holds for women and girls and what life was really like in the last 20 years in the cities and countryside.


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