27 May 2015

Tony Blair to step down as Middle East envoy

Former UK prime minister Tony Blair has submitted his resignatiom as Middle East peace envoy.

Since leaving the office of prime minister in 2007, Mr Blair has been working as the special envoy of the so-called “Quartet on the Middle East”, a group established to mediate the peace process, consisting of the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and Russia.

His role entailed helping develop the Palestinian economy and institutions, but he had struggled in his position and one official said there had been “frustration” over his limited authority. He has also faced criticism for his many lucrative advisory roles on the international stage.

Officials in Jerusalem said Mr Blair had written to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to confirm his resignation.

A source close to Mr Blair insisted he remains “fully committed” to helping to make progress on a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, but he believes he can “best support these efforts through working with the key regional players, the USA, the EU and others, without any formal role”.

Political constraints

The ex-premier is understood to feel that the Quartet post was “limited” to supporting the Palestinian people on economic development and strengthening institutions. Although “much has been achieved”, this was “despite the political constraints”.

The source said Mr Blair was convinced an “entirely new approach” was needed to make progress. “He will concentrate on strengthening relations between Israel and the wider Arab world, drawing on his considerable experience and the relationships he has built in the region to advance this work,” the source said.

“He believes that this could help underpin international efforts to end the ongoing impasse in the peace process.”

Mr Blair will step down from the end of June.