A legacy to stand on: special report

  • 23 Oct 2012

    Paralympics presenter Sophie Morgan finds that air travel remains difficult, humiliating and even impossible for disabled travellers, in the latest in our series: A legacy to stand on?

  • 23 Oct 2012

    Five years on from the tragic deaths of Fiona Pilkington and her daughter Francecca Hardwick, Mencap’s chief executive looks at tackling disability hate crime, as part of a Channel 4 News series.

  • 22 Oct 2012

    A legacy to stand on?

    All this week Channel 4 News pursues the elusive legacy of Paralympic joy. Beyond our fading emotions, stirred in a way not one of us ever anticipated, what’s left?

  • 22 Oct 2012

    Philippa Willitts, a disabled writer from South Yorkshire, blogs for Channel 4 News on what it feels like to be a victim of disability hate crime.

  • 22 Oct 2012

    As part of a week of special reports into disability, we’ve uncovered more travel horror stories from disabled people. Here one young woman explains why her last experience means she no longer flies.

  • 22 Oct 2012

    As Channel 4 News begins a week of special reports into disability, one victim tells of having his mobility scooter set on fire and of youths trying to tip him out of his wheelchair.

  • 22 Oct 2012

    As part of a series of reports examining whether the UK has a legacy to stand on post-Paralympics, disability hate crime victim Michael Bailey records a video diary for Channel 4 News.

  • 19 Oct 2012

    Has anything changed in the daily lives of disabled people in the wake of the London 2012 Paralympic Games? Channel 4 News is investigating, with a series of reports next week.

  • 2 Oct 2012

    Channel 4 Paralympics presenter Sophie Morgan describes the thrill of walking using the Rex exoskeleton robot – and asks if one day it will change the way people relate to disability.

  • 14 Sep 2012

    As sponsorship for ParalympicsGB is confirmed until 2016, Ellie Simmonds tells Channel 4 News how she hopes becoming Britain’s poster girl will inspire the next generation of athletes.

  • 13 Sep 2012

    Insulted, abused and tipped from his wheelchair – disability campaigner Simon Green urges others to report disability hate crimes, saying police are beginning to take it more seriously.

  • 11 Sep 2012

    No Fly Britain: A wheelchair dancer who performed in the London 2012 cultural celebrations tells Channel 4 News how his career was threatened by airline damage to his chair.

  • 10 Sep 2012

    The Paralympics have inspired many disabled Brits to take up sport, but many gyms remain partly inaccessible, according to campaigners. Channel 4 News hears about the many barriers to exercise.

  • 9 Sep 2012

    One aim of London 2012 was to make more Paralympians household names. Has it worked? Channel 4 News takes to the Olympic Park in a highly unscientific experiment.

  • 9 Sep 2012

    As the UK celebrates the most successful ever Paralympic Games, swimming supremo Ellie Simmonds tells Channel 4 News of the “massive buzz” of winning four medals and her hopes to inspire others.