Abdel Basset al-Megrahi

  • 20 Jul 2010

    Cameron: Megrahi release ‘not a BP decision’

    David Cameron has just told PBS radio in Washington that the Megrahi release was “not a BP decision” but “the decision of British ministers” (by which he means Scottish ministers). He has revisited his initial decision to turn down a late request from four US senators to meet up and discuss the Lockerbie bomber’s release…

  • 19 Jul 2010

    President Obama’s recent criticisms of “British Petroleum” have created the critical distance between the US administration and the new British government that is necessary to ensure a “realistic, practical and sensible” relationship between the two countries, blogs Jonathan Rugman

  • 2 Sep 2009

    Gnomic truths from Brown on the Megrahi row

    The most interesting line in Gordon Brown’s statement today was the most gnomic. “Were we right to spell out to ourselves the consequences of both eventualities, whether it was a Scottish decision for his release or for him remaining in prison? Yes – to have failed to have done so… would’ve been failing in our…

  • 1 Sep 2009

    Scottish letters reveal Libyan pressure?

    The correspondence on Lockerbie supports the story that the government U-turned on whether al-Megrahi should be excluded from a prisoner transfer agreement or not. The letters have already been selectively leaked – they’re now all there on the Foreign and Commonwealth, Ministry of Justice and  Scottish government websites. More interesting perhaps is something about to…

  • 1 Sep 2009

    Megrahi – the Ronnie Biggs connection

    Over the summer, the fog of ‘conspiracy’, ‘commercial deals’ and more have clouded around the fundamentals of what we know about the ‘early release’ of the convicted Libyan ‘Lockerbie bomber’. I’ll be surprised if today’s release by Edinburgh and London of the ‘Lockerbie papers’ dispels the clouds significantly.

  • 1 Sep 2009

    It’s been one of those days that feels like a month. I can hardly remember this morning. This afternoon will stay with me though. At 4.30pm I met the Lockerbie bomber. It looked to me as though Abdel Basset al-Megrahi wasn’t long for this world. If he was going to face sentencing “by a higher power,”…