Africa drought: special report

  • 18 Jan 2012

    Failure to heed early warning signs of drought led to tens of thousands of deaths in East Africa, says a report by Oxfam and Save the Children.

  • 24 Oct 2011

    Heavy rains in Mogadishu have swept away makeshift camps housing people fleeing from famine. Channel 4 News hears from a charity worker who met a woman whose daughter was lost in the deluge.

  • 13 Oct 2011

    Two women working for the aid charity Medecins Sans Frontieres at the world’s biggest refugee camp, Dadaab, are kidnapped by gunmen.

  • 5 Sep 2011

    The UN reveals famine has spread to three quarters of Somalia, threatening 750,000 people with imminent starvation. Islamic Relief in the UK tells Channel 4 News the situation is now “catastrophic”.

  • 31 Aug 2011

    The Disasters Emergency Committee tells Channel 4 News that just over a quarter of money it has raised towards the Horn of Africa Appeal is going to Somalia, the epicentre of the drought crisis.

  • 4 Aug 2011

    In the first interview with a western news organisation since the UN declared famine in Somalia, a spokesman for the al-Shabaab Islamist group tells Channel 4 News there is no famine, only drought.

  • 27 Jul 2011

    More than one million children have been displaced by the disaster in east Africa, and one charity tells Channel 4 News the situation in Somalia is “definitely getting worse”.

  • 26 Jul 2011

    The British Somali journalist Jamal Osman experiences for himself just a little of the arduous trek being endured by thousands of starving Somalis making their way to the Dadaab refugee camp in Kenya.

  • 25 Jul 2011

    The UN’s food agency is set to hold emergency talks in Rome to urge donor countries for an extra $1.6bn in aid, amid the worst drought in east Africa for 60 years.

  • 25 Jul 2011

    As ministers meet in Rome to discuss how to get aid to the drought-hit Horn of Africa region, an aid worker in Somalia tells Channel 4 News they should “stop talking and act now” or children will die.

  • 22 Jul 2011

    Our Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Rugman travels into Mogadishu, to witness thousands of refugees who have risked everything crossing conflict zones to escape famine in the countryside.

  • 21 Jul 2011

    The US gives $28 million in aid but says the money won’t be used in rebel-held famine regions, unless it receives assurances from militants. Channel 4 News talks to the head of the UN in Somalia.

  • 21 Jul 2011

    Tens of thousands of people have already died in Somalia as the UN declares an official famine. A key figure leading the African Union’s efforts tells Channel 4 News “we’ll be burying children soon”.

  • 20 Jul 2011

    A tearful Jerry Rawlings, Ghana’s former president, tells Jon Snow that “We’ll be burying lots of children soon” unless aid money and medical supplies are received to alleviate the Somalia famine.

  • 16 Jul 2011

    A £52.25m emergency aid package is being put together to help millions of starving people in Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya hit by Africa’s worst drought in 50 years.