The battle to report the facts of Syria’s war
Shell bursts would occur every few minutes, at all parts of the town. They fell from the southern fringes to the northern end of the town with utter unpredictability.
Shell bursts would occur every few minutes, at all parts of the town. They fell from the southern fringes to the northern end of the town with utter unpredictability.
Alex Thomson blogs on the confluence, rather than conflict, of interest in the ongoing Rangers saga.
Alex Thomson blogs on the international ramifications of the twists and turns in the Syrian conflict.
The police state is alive and well. Most people appear either to support the regime still or they are hedging their bets and don’t want to confront men with AK47s as yet.
Alex Thomson blogs on the battle to win the propaganda war in Syria – and what is motivating foreign interference.
Alex Thomson and his team have a close encounter at a Syrian checkpoint.
“Traffic cops, immaculate and in designer shades, politely ask to see our Ministry of Information permission. Presently, sensibly in the shade of some trees, a not-so-very-secret mukhabarrat secret policeman will radio our information to his desk from our translator.”
Here’s the email leaked to Channel 4 News last Thursday the details of which I blogged on Friday. Some club chairmen say that Mr Regan should now resign as a result of what’s going on here, back on June 23rd. That is a matter for them.
Just into Glasgow after an illuminating day speaking to club chairmen and officials of Scottish football which right now appears in a state of something like civil war.
Will there not? Will there be a meeting even? Nothing is certain. My sources inside the Scottish Football League reckon that the voting for Division 3 is pretty much around the 50-50 mark right now. But any amount of events across coming days can alter that and probably will.
So it is that I find myself covering a venerable Scottish sporting institution, which has caused disappointment, heartache and agony to countless people in recent times and in which the central recurring name is Murray, blogs Alex Thomson.
Channel 4 News has a Companies House list of Rangers shareholders for 2008 and 2010. They prove, for instance, that the current Airdrie chairman and president of the Scottish Football League, James William Ballantyne, had 568 Rangers shares in 2008 when chairman of Airdrie.
If Rangers Newco is simply invited into the First Division, what’s to stop any other club simply going bust and demanding the same treatment.
The report plays out two scenarios for the massacre, both of which it says are possible.
From teenage graffiti to shell fragments kept as mementos, Channel 4 News Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson talks through some of the most powerful pictures he took during his recent visit to Syria.