Andrew Lansley

  • 21 Jun 2012

    As doctors stage industrial action for the first time in 40 years, Channel 4 News asks if the move has lost them goodwill?

  • 21 Jun 2012

    Doctors are taking industrial action for the first time in 40 years in a dispute with the government over changes to their pensions.

  • 19 Jun 2012

    NHS treatments: what would you prioritise?

    There is nothing new about treatments being rationed in the NHS, but if you had to decide, what would you prioritise, asks Victoria Macdonald.

  • 5 Apr 2012

    Health Secretary Andrew Lansley’s demand that abortion clinics be inspected at short notice cost £1m and led to hospital and care home inspections being cancelled, says the CQC.

  • 27 Mar 2012

    With the NHS bill receiving royal assent, a leaked document drawn up by senior civil servants warns that the government’s reforms could damage the health service.

  • 20 Mar 2012

    Labour secures an emergency debate on the NHS bill – in a move that could further delay the passage of the legislation through parliament.

  • 6 Mar 2012

    With the health bill debated in the Lords, the government tables further amendments in the hope of preventing a Liberal Democrat rebellion. What changes are being made?

  • 6 Mar 2012

    As the Lords debate controversial NHS reforms, Channel 4 News Health and Social Care Correspondent Victoria Macdonald asks if there can be good competition and bad competition in the NHS?

  • 22 Feb 2012

    “Mr Cameron’s right to defend the NHS’s achievements in maintaining high standards for waiting times and in other areas, but wrong, in many instances, to claim the credit for the current government.”

  • 22 Feb 2012

    Speaking to Channel 4 News John Ashton, one of Cumbria’s top doctors, demands a government apology after being summoned to explain himself to local NHS chiefs for criticising planned health reforms.

  • 20 Feb 2012

    As tensions run high during a protest outside the NHS summit, the excluded parties tell Channel 4 News what they think the prime minister needs to hear.

  • 12 Feb 2012

    David Cameron’s defence of Health Secretary Andrew Lansley’s position suffered a set back after the Liberal Democrat’s deputy leader demanded his removal.

  • 8 Feb 2012

    Lansley dilemma for Cameron

    David Cameron delivered the support for Andrew Lansley that was advertised ahead of Prime Minister’s Questions – he has “better career prospects” than Ed Miliband, the PM said. Maybe he could’ve found something slightly more supportive, given by his measurements that’s a pretty low bar.

  • 8 Feb 2012

    David Cameron was barely on his feet at PMQs when the Faculty of Public Health announced it was calling for the Health and Social Care Bill to be withdrawn, writes Victoria Macdonald.

  • 8 Feb 2012

    With the government’s controversial NHS bill debated in the Lords, Channel 4 News looks at the changes made to the legislation since it was first unveiled.