‘Cut winter fuel allowances’ warns former care minister
Most pensioners should see their winter fuel allowances cut in order to fund a cap on the amount people must pay for their care, a former minister says.
2013: How will my benefits change?
As the coalition government wrestles with an £83bn round of spending cuts to get the UK economy back on track, Channel 4 News looks at cuts to benefits coming into force this year.
FactCheck: are benefits rising faster than pay?
Iain Duncan Smith says we’re spending too much on the benefits bill, which have gone up faster than private sector wages. Is he right? FactCheck takes a look.
David Cameron’s New Year message – what’s in, what’s not?
David Cameron has used his New Year message to insist Britain’s economy is on the right track, but declined to raise controversial issues such as gay marriage, EU, or even the horse, Raisa.
Autumn statement: £27bn more savings yet to be outlined
Influential economic think tank the IFS warns of drastic cuts and a million more paying higher rate tax if the government is to make the books balance.
Autumn statement: who pays most, rich or poor?
George Osborne says the richest will pay the most after the Autumn Statement. FactCheck isn’t quite as convinced.
Universal credit ‘will not benefit everyone’
The government’s new universal credit will penalise some single parents if they work longer hours, according to a new report.
FactCheck: The truth about the child benefits cap
DWP figures show that some 160 claimants out of more than 3 million were getting the equivalent of £50,000 a year or more in 2010. That’s 0.0004 per cent of cases.
The urban farms that are growing food – and growing jobs
Take one piece of disused land, turn it into a farm – and create jobs and training while you’re at it. Channel 4 News has talked to two schemes who’ve been recognised for their pioneering work.
Inflation falls, but is poised to rise again
The cost of living fell to a three-year low in September – but recent energy price hikes by four of the big six energy companies, combined with food price rises, will push it back up again.
Osborne unveils £10bn benefits cut package
Chancellor George Osborne targets the under-25s and parents in a new blitz on welfare claimants announced at the Conservative conference.
Will George Osborne’s ‘cuts’ go anywhere?
The implication is clear enough: George Osborne believes benefit claimants should think long and hard before having children – or risk losing some of their state support.
Disability testing system failing says dead man’s parents
The parents of a disabled man who died after being found fit for work tell Channel 4 News the system isn’t working. Colin Traynor’s appeal against the decision was granted, but too late.
Cameron: benefits change can end welfare gap
David Cameron warns that the welfare system is causing deep social divisions and signals a rethink over what benefits are for and who receives them.
FactCheck: Has youth unemployment really gone up 900 per cent?
“The idea is that Labour used to cook the books by giving tens of thousands of young people a temporary government-subsidised job through the Future Jobs Fund.”