
  • 29 Nov 2017

    A convicted Bosnian Croat war criminal has died after swallowing what he claimed was poison, while in the dock during a session of the UN’s international tribunal in the Hague. A judge had just confirmed Slobodan Praljak’s 20 year sentence for involvement in crimes during the Bosnian war. Proceedings were brought to a sudden halt…

  • 22 Nov 2017

    The Bosnian general who ordered the slaughter of thousands of Muslim men and boys in the early 1990s has been found guilty of genocide. But Ratko Mladic didn’t hear the verdict as he had been thrown out of the war crimes court room for shouting abuse. He was sentenced to life for organising the massacre…

  • 11 Jul 2015

    Tens of thousands gather in Bosnia-Herzegovina to commemorate the execution of 8,000 Muslim men and boys 20 years ago. More than 1,000 have yet to be found.

  • 28 Jun 2014

    If the events of 11 September 2001 are shaping the direction of this century, many believe it was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand 100 years ago today that changed the last.

  • 19 May 2014

    Balkans floods: why did it rain so much?

    In recent days, pictures have emerged from the Balkans, showing what has been described as the worst flooding in living memory. But why did it rain so much?

  • 18 May 2014

    The worst floods in more than a century have killed at least 20 people in Serbia and neighbouring Bosnia, with one report putting the death toll at 25.

  • 16 May 2014

    Heavy rain and flooding, thought to be the worst in 120 years, have hit Serbia, killing four people and leaving several towns and villages isolated.

  • 7 Feb 2014

    Demonstrators in the northern Bosnia town of Tuzla set fire to government buildings as protests grow across the country.

  • 13 Nov 2013

    War and journalists: why do we go?

    You prove yourself by getting great stories not by taking insane risks and talking about it in the bar afterwards – a consideration of the dangerous business of reporting from war zones.

  • 10 Jul 2013

    On the 18th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre, journalist Jamie Rubin says the parallel between conflicts in Syria and Bosnia “is really striking.” But Lord Ashdown says the idea is “simplistic.”

  • 16 May 2012

    The last major player from the Bosnian conflict took his seat in the Hague, making a throat-slitting motion to Munira Subasic, one of many spectators who have waited almost two decades for justice.

  • 2 Feb 2012

    A severe cold spell continues to affect much of Europe at the moment, with more lives claimed by freezing weather.

  • 3 Jun 2011

    Ratko Mladic’s outbursts at the start of his trial give some clues as to his future line of defence. Channel 4 News compares his case to those of Slobodan Milosevic and Radovan Karadzic.

  • 3 Jun 2011

    Appearing at The Hague for the first time, General Mladic dismisses the war crimes charges against him as “obnoxious” and claims “I just defended my people and my country”.

  • 3 Jun 2011

    Ratko Mladic begins his trial at The Hague accused of 11 crimes, including genocide. Channel 4 News Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson is in court to witness the start of the trial.