Channel 4 Jobs Report: special report

  • 14 Mar 2012

    Whether you loved or loathed it, everyone remembers their first step on the jobs ladder. Our team of journalists, including Jon Snow and Alex Thomson, recall the highs and lows of their first job.

  • 14 Mar 2012

    In the second part of the Channel 4 Jobs Report, Sarah Smith hears what employers believe are the problems with UK employment law – and their solution for kick-starting the jobs market.

  • 14 Mar 2012

    As job creation becomes a crucial issue in 2012, Channel 4 News looks behind the headlines at how the UK is faring in the first quarter of the year.

  • 14 Mar 2012

    From the man heading up security for this summer’s Olympics to a self-proclaimed “Bra Queen”, we unveil the ambassadors helping us put together the Channel 4 Jobs Report.

  • 13 Mar 2012

    Good news for Merseyside jobs – and for Michael Heseltine’s legacy

    Lord Heseltine received the freedom of the City of Liverpool, on the day that the creation of thousands of jobs was announced. But all the main political parties seem to be fighting over the Heseltine inheritance of industrial activism.

  • 13 Mar 2012

    How do we find 2.5 million jobs? We’re launching the Channel 4 Jobs Report – an interactive project looking at the biggest question facing the UK economy in 2012.

  • 13 Mar 2012

    To kick off the Channel 4 Jobs Report, Business Correspondent Sarah Smith looks at what happens behind the scenes to create just one job out of the 2.5 million that are needed.

  • 7 Mar 2012

    The Labour leader said there are five people for every vacant job in Dartford, where the Howes family live. Was he right? And how does the competition measure up in the rest of the country? FactCheck investigates.

  • 7 Mar 2012

    The company is proposing to close 36 of its 54 factories with potential compulsory redundancies of almost three quarters of its workforce of 2,300 disabled workers.

  • 6 Mar 2012

    “Some people will be antagonised by any discussion of the fact that spiralling unemployment is hitting black people the hardest”, Diane Abbott wrote in today’s Guardian. And rightly so. But some people will be further antagonised by the possibility that Britain’s first black female MP may have got her facts wrong. Has she? FactCheck investigates.

  • 6 Mar 2012

    As new data shows a third of recent graduates are in low-skilled jobs, one recruiter tells Channel 4 News that the flood of graduates has seen employers “raise the bar” and some jobs “remain hidden”.

  • 6 Mar 2012

    Car giant Nissan announces plans to invest £125m in building a new model at a plant in Sunderland, creating 2,000 new jobs. The car will compete with the VW Polo and the Ford Fiesta.

  • 5 Mar 2012

    The firm might have expected its promise to create 20,000 jobs over the next two years to be enthusiastically endorsed – or at least, to borrow from its own slogan, to be embraced with the verdict “every little helps”. But few are prepared to take what Tesco says on trust. Do these figures strip out jobs lost? Are they full-time posts? Over to the team.

  • 28 Feb 2012

    Channel 4 News finds another young person with a letter revealing his local Jobcentre threatened to stop his benefits if he refused unpaid work.

  • 27 Feb 2012

    First it was Tesco in the row over the government’s work programme, now Channel 4 News Social Affairs Editor Jackie Long can reveal Asda has also been taking on unemployed youngsters for free.