Copenhagen Accord

  • 30 Nov 2009

    In order to keep many businesses running computers must be cooled. But that comes at a price for the economy and the environment. So can companies continue to keep cool?

  • 30 Nov 2009

    Hailed as both climate saviour and food stock stealer biofuels are one of the most controversial technologies in the fight against greenhouse gases. Do our experts think they are the answer?

  • 30 Nov 2009

    A threat to civilisation or a natural cycle in the life of planet earth? Although the scientific consensus is that man-made global warming is with us, there are still prominent deniers in the debate.

  • 29 May 2009

    Carbon dioxide “capturing” could be a major step in the battle against climate change. Julian Rush visits a power station in Scotland and asks could this be the saviour of coal?