Damian Green

  • 21 Dec 2017

    Theresa May has repeated her concerns about police conduct after sacking her first secretary of state Damian Green for making “misleading statements” about the discovery of pornography on his Commons computer. The Prime Minister said she expected a proper investigation into claims that information was leaked by a former senior officer. Mr Green has continued…

  • 6 May 2014

    Damian Green, the policing minister, says that fewer prisoners are now absconding from open jails. In the light of the “skull cracker” case, is he right to make his claim?

  • 25 Jul 2012

    An “administrative error” leads to the home office advertising for 400 more jobs than they had intended to, on the day of an ongoing row between the unions and the department in which strike action was narrowly averted. FactCheck investigates.

  • 13 Jun 2012

    Immigration Minister Damian Green has claimed that tens of thousands of people who come to the UK for marriage and are eligible for benefits claim them. FactCheck tries to find them.

  • 3 May 2012

    Playing down the meltdown at Heathrow’s border control earlier this week, Damian Green told MPs: “I stress to the House that our information shows that queuing times bore no resemblance to some of the wilder suggestions.” But with these “wilder suggestions” coming from the airlines and passengers themselves, it’s little wonder that British Airways’ chief executive Willie Walsh accused the minister was “misleading” the public over the extent of waiting times at passport control. Mr Walsh told Channel 4 News: “I think he was certainly misleading when he told people that the maximum queue was 90 minutes when we know it went well beyond that – and not just on one occasion.” Who’s right? FactCheck jets in.

  • 27 Oct 2011

    After Theresa May’s catgate, you would think MP’s might tread more carefully on the thorny issue of immigration. Less than a month ago Ms May was complaining that all too often foreign criminals are allowed to stay in the UK – and for the most ludicrous reasons. Yet today, immigration minister Damian Green said the government is removing foreign criminals quicker than ever. So what’s it to be – are they staying or going?

  • 2 Jun 2011

    The Home Affairs Select Committee has accused the Government of operating a de facto amnesty for asylum seekers whose cases have not yet been dealt with. FactCheck investigates…

  • 30 Nov 2010

    The Office for Budget Responsibility report yesterday raised more questions about how effective the cap on skilled and highly skilled workers, announced by the government last week, will actually be.