FactCheck: PM’s business claim goes from boom to bust
New businesses boomed faster than ever before last year, says David Cameron. Great news if true – so where’s the evidence?
FactCheck: Foxed by former defence secretary’s economy claims
Dr Liam Fox claims the global economy has doubled in the last 12 years. So why aren’t we holidaying on the moon, FactCheck asks?
FactCheck Q&A: how much will the Spanish bailout cost the UK?
Spain may be the latest European country heading for a massive bailout. That might mean Britain has to pay. FactCheck wonders how much.
FactCheck: Is regulation to blame for unemployment?
Venture capitalist Adrian Beecroft advises the government to cut red tape and make it easier to fire workers to save the economy. FactCheck doesn’t think it’ll do much good.
London Mayor election: FactCheck round-up on Boris v Ken
There have been tears, laughter, and the odd stray F-word. The London mayoral race has been high on emotion and more than usually bad-tempered. Boris Johnson has been slightly more careful with his facts, choosing to deal in aspirations rather than promises. Ken Livingstone has made some extravagant claims which have landed him in hot water. Here’s the verdict from FactCheck HQ on a very irritable election.
FactCheck: Do we only vote Labour when times are good?
Is it true that voters only side with Labour during the “good times” as Ed Miliband claims? FactCheck looks at the evidence.
FactCheck: The biggest porkies of 2011
The biggest political porkies of 2011: Channel 4 News’ FactCheck team run through the dodgiest politics claims of the year.
FactCheck: Is the French economy beating Britain’s?
“One would rather be French than British at the moment,” Baroin said. FactCheck knows the situation is bleak, but does Britain deserve the cold shoulder from France or should we issue them a Gallic shrug?
FactCheck: Cameron reoffends on private sector job figures
It’s very strange. Most politicians reckon that once bitten by FactCheck, twice shy. Not so the PM. We’ve caught him out on his boast on private sector jobs before but today he was at it again. He claimed half a million more private sector jobs were created since the election. He’s wrong, and here’s why.
FactCheck: Ed Balls won’t give the Tories a free kick on the economy
Ed Balls doesn’t really do contrition. He flirted with the idea on the Today programme this morning when he said sorry for the failure of banking regulations, and admitted that not every pound had been well spent by Labour.
FactCheck: Who’s got the better record on youth unemployment?
“It’s a sensitive topic for a Government that scrapped Education Maintenance Allowance for teenagers who wanted to stay in education, and axed Labour’s flagship back-to-work project, the Future Jobs Fund.”
FactCheck: Why less is more when taxing the super rich
Twenty leading economists have called on the government to scrap its 50p tax rate for high earners, warning that it will do “lasting damage” to the economy. Is the 50p tax rate worth it? FactCheck investigates
Private sector jobs hit by growing pains
A few alarm bells went off in the Channel 4 newsroom yesterday when the Chancellor flagged up jobs growth as the silver lining to some rather gloomy GDP figures. Is growth in the public sector worth shouting about? FactCheck investigates.
FactCheck: Is NHS spending still in the black?
The Government has promised to increase real-terms spending on the NHS. But experts say spending is already falling, and only a tinker with the figures can save the Coalition’s blushes.
FactCheck: Who loses if Scotland goes it alone?
David Cameron has signalled this week that he is taking the looming threat of Scottish independence seriously. With people on both sides of the border convinced they are losing out, what’s the real cost of holding the United Kingdom together?