• 18 Oct 2017

    Tomorrow Theresa May sets off for her second trip in a week to Brussels, where she will address EU leaders on Brexit. In the Commons today she insisted the option of walking away without a deal must remain on the table. But her visit comes as her government’s EU withdrawal bill, which transfers EU legislation…

  • 9 Oct 2017

    There has been significant push-back on several fronts against Catalonia’s moves towards independence. Yesterday hundreds of thousands of demonstrators descended on Barcelona. Today more businesses announced that they would shift their headquarters outside Catalonia if the region broke away, and France declared that it would move to expel an independent Catalonia from the EU. All…

  • 22 Sep 2017

    May’s EU transition plan quite a pill for some voters to swallow

    Theresa May has spelt out that Britain is formally requesting a status quo transition period of around two years and is willing to pay for that. It will mean just about nothing will change in terms of relations with the EU until five years after the referendum. That’s quite a pill for some voters to…

  • 12 Sep 2017

    Defence and security – bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations?

    When Theresa May first pondered the Tory leadership there was talk that she had long since gamed the need for putting both EU citizens’ rights and our defence profile into the mix in Brexit talks as bargaining chips. She went public on the former in the opening speech of her leadership bid and on the latter…

  • 11 Sep 2017

    The Labour MP and chair of the Brexit committee, Hilary Benn, discusses the government’s EU withdrawal bill.

  • 11 Sep 2017

    The Port of Dover handles more than £120bn worth of trade each year. But Channel 4 News has been speaking exclusively to the Chief Executive, who is worried that red tape after Brexit could seriously harm that free flow of trade.

  • 11 Sep 2017

    MPs will be staying up into the early hours tonight for a crucial vote on the Brexit withdrawal bill, designed to turn European rules and regulations into British laws.

  • 11 Sep 2017

    Brexit Bill: What’s Labour’s game?

    Labour is walking a difficult line, showing some ankle to the armies of disaffected Remainers who backed them in the snap election while honouring the referendum result and the Labour-supporting Brexiteers beyond London who, some MPs say, are already badgering them with emails asking what the party is playing at.

  • 5 Sep 2017

    Parliament’s back after the summer and the Brexit bill is on its way through Parliament. Here are four things you need to know.

  • 1 Sep 2017

    The UK must not be “blackmailed” into agreeing a divorce settlement with the European Union before trade talks begin, Liam Fox has warned.

  • 31 Aug 2017

    Conservative MP Vicky Ford and Labour MEP Seb Dance discuss the Brexit negotiations.

  • 31 Aug 2017

    The latest round of Brexit negotiations have ended with tough talk and signs of irritation on both sides. Europe’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier said there had been “no decisive progress” on any of the key issues. David Davis criticised the EU for being neither imaginative nor flexible.

  • 13 Aug 2017

    Ministers who have been at polar opposites of the Brexit debate have joined forces to reassure businesses there’ll be no ‘cliff edge’ after Britain leaves the EU.

  • 27 Jul 2017

    Now the clock is relentlessly ticking: but as the Brexit negotiations continue there’s already talk of delay. Europe’s Brexit negotiator thinks the start of the main talks could be postponed by another two months – apparently, say reports, because of Britain’s lack of progress on agreeing the divorce bill.

  • 22 Jul 2017

    The US journalist, who has written extensively on eastern Europe, says the Polish government’s plans to remove the country’s independent judiciary is “illegal” and a direct challenge to the European Union.