
  • 21 Oct 2010

    Three Peers have been suspended after the House of Lords’ sleaze watchdog said that they had wrongly claimed tens of thousands of pounds in expenses.

  • 20 Apr 2010

    Cathy Newman checks it out It’s tough at the top – as Nick Clegg is beginning to find out. Since being elected leader in 2007, the Liberal Democrat leader has struggled to get noticed. No longer. But his newfound celebrity has a downside. His past is coming back to haunt him. Things that might have…

  • 7 Apr 2010

    A very good day for burying bad news

    Whilst the rest of us were yesterday marking that benchmark moment in our democracy when an election is called, the House of Lords was the scene of an awful climax to their Lordships’ expenses scandal. 78-year-old Lord Clarke of Hampstead was being flogged at the yard arm. Hard to know whether to feel sorry or…

  • 16 Feb 2010

    Nine Lords (and Ladies) a-leaping for joy!

    Sir Ian Kennedy, the chairman of the Commons standards watchdog is reported today to be in a hurry to fix a new regime for MPs’ expenses before the next election ushers in a new slew of MPs. There is no such hurry in the House of Lords. Nor is anyone in the Lords over anxious…

  • 4 Feb 2010

    The repercussions of the Legg report

    Sir Christopher Kelly, Chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, talked to the Public Administration Committee this morning. He refused several invitations to take a pot shot at Sir Thomas Legg. He said to the committee: “I think all of you are guilty of having gone along with a system which you must…

  • 12 Nov 2009

    Lord's expenses: the flight to redaction

    Jon Snow blogs on the findings that Lord’s expenses are not receipted.

  • 29 Oct 2009

    Peers’ expense claims since 2006 could be scrutinised

    Today’s Eames report into Lords’ expenses would give the commissioner powers to examine claims dating back four years.

  • 28 Oct 2009

    MPs forced to bare all for voters

    The leaked contents of Sir Christopher Kelly report into MPs’ expenses say members will have to declare to their constituents where they will work on the side.

  • 26 Oct 2009

    Who is checking the Lords' expenses?

    Why is there to be no ‘Legg style’ investigation into the expenses of members of the House of Lords? I have blogged before on the expenses culture in the House of Lords.

  • 28 May 2009

    Do politicians ‘get’ transparency?

    If the expenses scandal is about anything, it is about the public’s right to know what politicians do in their name and with their money. Yet as the parties attempt to purge the transgressors, all the indications are that the same secrecy and attempted cover-up that led to the leaking of MPs’ expenses to the…

  • 12 May 2009

    “Good governance is based on three things – capability, responsiveness and accountability,” the Department for International Development (DfID) declares on its website. The government department which funds anti-corruption programmes in developing countries goes on to say that it uses this assessment, as well as “promoting good governance and transparency, and fighting corruption – to make…

  • 11 May 2009

    Expenses and bankruptcy: a quick PS

    If MPs were forced to repay some of the more ridiculous expense claims, a few might join the ranks of Britain’s growing personal insolvencies. MPs that go bankrupt are forced to forfeit their seat. Is this what is meant by politically bankrupt?

  • 8 May 2009

    MPs’ expenses: did system fuel the housing boom?

    If you step away from the details of bathplugs, unnecessary taxis and sibling cleaning contracts, there is a staggering picture emerging about the MPs who decide our laws. During the biggest housing boom in Britain’s history (and some economists argue in world history) many of the politicians who had the power to rein it in…