
  • 8 Jul 2009

    By the time you are reading this I hope to be supping on mozzarella di bufala in a medieval Italian hilltop town full of churches stuffed with paintings by Renaissance masters. The reality will probably be that I shall be going through umpteen security scanners along with some 3000 other journalists queuing for the G8…

  • 7 Jul 2009

    A report by the police watchdog criticises the Metropolitan Police’s planning for the London G20 protests in April, in which a bystander was pushed by an officer and later died.

  • 5 May 2009

    A May Day mayday – and three men not in a boat

    A balmy bank holiday weekend for sailing. Despite the fact that my cousin Peter Snow has had a boat ever since I can remember, I don’t set sail with him enough. This weekend reminded me of both the joys and perils of sailing. A thousand sails swept along the Solent in brisk winds. Within hours…

  • 22 Apr 2009

    The IPCC fails to prevent footage showing Ian Tomlinson moments before he was shoved by police at the G20 protest.

  • 17 Apr 2009

    A police officer is questioned under caution and could face manslaughter charges, as a new post mortem into the death of Ian Tomlinson rules he did not die of a heart attack. Simon Israel reports.

  • 15 Apr 2009

    On G20 day, we had nothing better to do

    You may have found the past few days of revelations concerning the inner workings of Downing Street, a heartbeat from the prime minister, hard to credit. But how about this? On the day the G20 summit met in London’s Docklands, we asked people – mainly via Twitter – to keep an eye open for anyone…

  • 3 Apr 2009

    A selection of newspaper front pages from G20 countries on the day after the London summit. Barack Obama is a prominent theme.

  • 2 Apr 2009

    Watch out for my colleague Alex Thomson’s report tonight on how the much-hyped G20 protests, policed at a cost of millions, were today dominated by a few hundred Somalis, Ethiopians and Eritreans, which was not what much of the media, on hand in case of a scuffle, had in mind. They were protesting about human…

  • 2 Apr 2009

    A Snowblog first, video blogging

    Just recorded this from the ExCel Centre where today’s G20 fun and games are taking place. The video is a perfectly formed 16 seconds. Enjoy.

  • 2 Apr 2009

    The ExCeL centre is the land that God forgot

    Welcome to the end of the earth. Welcome to the land God forgot.. I am in the ExCeL centre. But worry not, the ExCeL centre excels at nothing. It has the shared misfortune with 20 of the world’s most powerful leaders of being the place that this summit is being held.

  • 2 Apr 2009

    Ethiopia’s prime minister, Meles Zenawi, is supposed to represent the whole of Africa at the G20 this week – apart from the South Africans, who are the only African G20 members. Yesterday afternoon one of his advisers told me she doesn’t want him to be seen as yet another African leader out with the begging…

  • 1 Apr 2009

    G20, LONDON – A quick post on a hectic day: I’ve just interviewed Meles Zenawi, the Ethiopian prime minister and the only representative from Africa (outside the G20) to attend the summit.

  • 1 Apr 2009

    Zoellick: global finance and a flyer's cold

    I have just emerged from the World Bank offices in Millbank and an interview with its president, Robert Zoellick. He has a formidable intellect and interesting moustache. He too had a flyer’s cold. I told him of the benefits of squirting saline water up your nasal passages in the morning and at night. He was grateful.…

  • 1 Apr 2009

    Obama: a fascinating contrast with Bush

    This G20 exists at so many levels. Take Brazil’s President Lula. Fearless campaigner against the carbon footprint. But having flown from Brazil to Doha and Doha to Paris, today he abandoned his plane, sending it empty to London while he took the train. But the high spot thus far has been the Obama-Brown press conference.…

  • 1 Apr 2009

    That’s the question our sister programme More 4 News put to viewers, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber and Steve Alambritis from the Federation of Small Businesses. It follows Barack Obama’s gift of 25 classic American movies to Gordon Brown when the British PM visited Washington last month.