Greece: UK told no immediate threat to bank funding
The government will want to give clear advice to tourists heading for Greece (in a few weeks’ time that includes quite a few MPs, I understand, who have holidays booked there).
George Osborne produces a budget surprise with his announcement that a compulsory national living wage will be introduced. But it will be lower than the voluntary living wage that already exists.
Chancellor George Osborne’s family business made £6m in a property deal with a developer based in a tax haven, Paul McNamara and Guy Basnett investigate.
The government will want to give clear advice to tourists heading for Greece (in a few weeks’ time that includes quite a few MPs, I understand, who have holidays booked there).
The Conservatives say they have to find £12bn from a £220bn welfare budget. Do the numbers add up – and where should the axe fall?
The government is acutely aware that some of the voters critical to its victory in swing seats were workers at the lower end of the pay scale who were claiming tax credits.
As George Osborne stands in for David Cameron at PMQs we chart how the Chancellor has positioned himself as the future leader of the Conservative party
Tough new rules to force governments to run budget surpluses will be brought in, George Osborne announces at his annual Mansion House speech.
George Osborne announces the sell-off of the last third of Royal Mail and Ed Miliband gives his first speech in nine years from the back benches.
George Osborne will speak on the economic task ahead today, just as the OECD suggests he might consider easing off. Don’t expect that to be the tone of his remarks though.
George Osborne has announced plans to sell off the government’s remaining stake in Royal Mail, providing they get “value for money”.
Chancellor George Osborne has promised “radical devolution” for cities to allow them to grow their local economies – but what does devolution mean? And what powers will be devolved?
Chancellor George Osborne will give cities in England the chance to take control of their own affairs – by giving them devolved powers – but only if they accept an elected mayor.
The porkies have come thick and fast from all sides during this election campaign. What are the biggest fibs FactCheck has unearthed?
A week before the general election and in the week when the Tories are stressing that the economy is safe in their hands, today’s figures point to a marked slowdown.
The economy finally picked up momentum in 2013. But what is worrying for George Osborne about today’s GDP figures is how they suggest that momentum ebbing away over the last year.