Gordon Brown

  • 23 Apr 2009

    Budget: Brown and the ‘costs of failure’

    A measure of the new world we are entering. Between this financial year and next there is a cash increase of £30.2bn in public spending. Of that increase, fully £15.7bn is going on interest payments servicing our newly ballooning debt. The total interest payments of £43bn will be more than non-investment spending in the defence…

  • 21 Apr 2009

    Brown considered ditching lobby system

    My attack on the Westminster lobby system was badly phrased. It is true the government lets it be known there are “meetings” of the lobby: the detail of when, where, and who is giving the briefing has been published for some time.

  • 15 Apr 2009

    On G20 day, we had nothing better to do

    You may have found the past few days of revelations concerning the inner workings of Downing Street, a heartbeat from the prime minister, hard to credit. But how about this? On the day the G20 summit met in London’s Docklands, we asked people – mainly via Twitter – to keep an eye open for anyone…

  • 1 Apr 2009

    That’s the question our sister programme More 4 News put to viewers, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber and Steve Alambritis from the Federation of Small Businesses. It follows Barack Obama’s gift of 25 classic American movies to Gordon Brown when the British PM visited Washington last month.

  • 1 Apr 2009

    Waiting for The Man

    I’m sitting the Locarno room at the Foreign Office waiting with 200 other hacks for the Obama/Brown press conference, and even in this august circumstance there’s an air of a palpable expectation. Not of course in terms of economic breakthrough but the mere arrival of The Man.

  • 26 Mar 2009

    Daniel Hannan, YouTubed into the public gaze

    In political life there’s little more obscure than being stuck away in the European parliament. But one British MEP has broken cover, courtesy of YouTube and his own brazen speechifying in front of Gordon Brown.

  • 20 Mar 2009

    WASHINGTON DC, USA – The Obama administration is starting to get a bit of a reputation for incompetence. Not what we expected after such a seamless election campaign, but now they have got into power these guys keep making silly mistakes. The latest revelation about their bungling is particularly hilarious. When Gordon Brown visited the…

  • 23 Feb 2009

    Thatcher portrait for a world in crisis

    2009. 30 years on from 1979 and the arrival of Margaret Thatcher. I knew her well. Or perhaps I should say that I interviewed her more often than many. I was a diplomatic correspondent, so I got the full brunt of her ire at the late-night ending of all too many European summits. I remember…