Grenfell tower

  • 4 Jul 2017

    Three weeks after Grenfell, and all of the questions that surround that disaster have reverberated around local councils and regeneration schemes. Now council tenants in Haringey have protested over their local authority’s plans, which would see £2 billion worth of land transferred to a private company. That company would be jointly owned by the council…

  • 4 Jul 2017

    Three weeks ago tonight, the Grenfell Tower burned. This evening a private meeting between the survivors and relatives, the police and the coroner has taken place – in a bid to answer some of the many, many questions that this tragedy has provoked. As it was confirmed that 190 high rise blocks in England have…

  • 3 Jul 2017

    Eleanor Kelly, chief executive of Southwark Council and the spokesperson of the Grenfell Fire Response Team, says the Wednesday deadline for survivors to be rehoused in temporary accommodation will be met.

  • 3 Jul 2017

    The Government says those affected by the Grenfell Tower fire will be offered proper temporary accommodation by this Wednesday, promising that they won’t be forced to live anywhere they don’t want to live. But many residents are still frustrated with the speed of the Government’s response and the confusion over who’s taking charge on the…

  • 1 Jul 2017

    Discussing the Grenfell disaster, austerity and why Labour hasn’t committed to ending the freeze on working aid benefits.

  • 1 Jul 2017

    The government has put Kensington and Chelsea Council on notice – after its leaders resigned over the handling of the Grenfell Tower disaster. Senior Labour figures say the breakdown in trust is now so severe that urgent action is needed to restore the faith of the local community – while communities secretary Sajid Javid said…

  • 30 Jun 2017

    Ten million people across the UK live in social housing, many of them in tower blocks like Grenfell. What the fire revealed was not just the desperate state of some of that housing stock, but the state of Britain, where the price of private property is soaring, driving inequality between home owners and those who…

  • 30 Jun 2017

    Beinazir Lasharie, a Labour councillor on Kensington and Chelsea Council, says the authority didn’t listen to Grenfell residents’ concerns before the fire. She says she is still waiting for counselling after the disaster and, like other residents, is suffering from post-traumatic stress.

  • 30 Jun 2017

    He resisted the pressure for more than two weeks. In the end he yielded to it. Tonight Nicholas Paget-Brown finally resigned over his handling of the Grenfell Tower disaster, amid mounting criticism and revelations about the way the council behaved. He said he had to accept responsibility for what he called “perceived failings” after the…

  • 29 Jun 2017

    We were joined by Joe Delaney of the Grenfell action Group who met the Judge leading the public inquiry earlier today, Conservative Andrew Boff who is deputy chair of the housing committee on the London Assembly – and local resident Samia Badani.

  • 29 Jun 2017

    The retired Appeal court judge who’s leading the investigation into the Grenfell Tower fire has admitted the scope may not be broad enough to satisfy everyone.

  • 28 Jun 2017

    Theresa May has said that cladding from 120 high-rise buildings across England has failed fire safety tests carried out in the wake of the Grenfell Tower disaster. But is the Government’s investigation overlooking another potentially crucial issue – insulation? The Kingspan Group’s statement to Channel 4 News is published in full below. Kingspan shares the…

  • 28 Jun 2017

    The police say the death toll from the Grenfell Tower fire will not be known for many months, with 80 currently presumed dead. They revealed that there are 23 flats in the North Kensington block where they haven’t been able to trace anyone alive. Despite this latest update, there is still growing frustration among local…

  • 28 Jun 2017

    The Grenfell Tower disaster dominated the first Prime Minister’s Questions since the election. But it was the noises coming from Downing Street that were making the headlines as a Government source briefed journalists that a reversal of the public sector pay freeze could be on the cards – a briefing dismissed barely three hours later.

  • 26 Jun 2017

    Peter Rees, a planning officer for the City of London for 30 years, the Conservative MP, Kevin Hollinrake, a member of the communities and local government select committee for two years, and Anne Cooper, a social housing resident and campaigner from South London, discuss the Grenfell Tower tragedy.