Home Office

  • 15 Nov 2011

    The Thick of It saga over UK borders

    If the writers of “The Thick of It” ever think of writing an episode in which the protagaonists go mad behind the scenes for 24 hours then have their actions unpicked in public by Select Committee questioning, they might want a tape of today’s evidence session by the Home Affairs Select Committee on UK borders, writes Political Editor Gary Gibbon.

  • 15 Nov 2011

    Live Channel 4 News online coverage of Brodie Clark’s appearance before MPs on the home affairs select committee.

  • 15 Nov 2011

    As the latest border security scandal engulfs the Home Office, a former immigration whistleblower tells Channel 4 News “root and branch” reform is needed to get the department up to speed.

  • 11 Nov 2011

    As the NSPCC calls on cash-strapped councils to act earlier to help 200,000 babies born each year at risk of neglect, Channel 4 News follows three families who have benefitted from early intervention.

  • 10 Nov 2011

    Home Secretary Theresa May bans the Muslims Against Crusades group ahead its “hell for heroes” demonstration. Members tell Channel 4 News they will disband but will “never be silenced”.

  • 9 Nov 2011

    Home Secretary Theresa May defends her role in the storm over the relaxation of UK border controls, which has already cost the head of the UK Border Force his job amid a row over who was at fault.

  • 8 Nov 2011

    UK Border Force chief Brodie Clark resigns but denies “improperly” relaxing border checks, accusing the Home Secretary Theresa May of making his position “untenable” for “political convenience.”

  • 3 Nov 2011

    A petition calling for a UK trial for a terror suspect who has been detained without charge for seven years reaches 100,000 signatures, meaning the case can be debated in parliament.

  • 4 Oct 2011

    A row has broken out between Justice Secretary Ken Clarke and Home Secretary Theresa May over her claim that a foreigner was allowed to stay in the UK because he had a pet cat.

  • 22 Sep 2011

    The union representing thousands of headteachers and their deputies is to hold its first ballot on whether to strike in November over a dispute over reductions to their pensions.

  • 19 Sep 2011

    A house in Birmingham searched by anti-terror police is the same address where a man convicted of sending weapons to the Taliban lived, Channel 4 News learns. Six men are being questioned after raids.

  • 15 Sep 2011

    A student arrested for downloading a document about al-Qaeda as part of his university research has won £20,000 compensation from Nottingham Police. Darshna Soni went to meet him.

  • 14 Sep 2011

    As a new report by Barnardo’s warns earlier intervention in child exploitation can save lives and money, our Social Affairs Editor Jackie Long speaks to a young man who was abused by dozens of men.

  • 25 Aug 2011

    New figures show net migration has risen by 21 per cent to 239,000 as Political Editor Gary Gibbon recalls an immigration pledge by David Cameron labelled “barmy” by critics.

  • 24 Aug 2011

    The Prison Service is to investigate claims that two inmates decorated the constituency home of former MP Jacqui Smith when they should have been doing community work.