Interest rates

  • 8 Sep 2011

    The Bank of England holds interest rates at 0.5 per cent and refuses to extend its quantitative easing programme to boost the supply of money in the economy.

  • 7 Sep 2011

    Chancellor George Osborne admits that the economic recovery will be “choppy”, but says he is sticking by his plans for deficit reduction despite evidence of a slowdown.

  • 18 Aug 2011

    London’s leading shares index fell 4.5 per cent today, the 9th biggest fall in its history, amid fears the world is sliding into a double dip recession.

  • 16 Aug 2011

    Germany’s Angela Merkel shows unity with France’s Nicolas Sarkozy at a meeting in Paris, urging Eurozone partners to pass laws on deficit reduction, but they say there will be no pooling of debt.

  • 4 Aug 2011

    As the Government’s financial watchdog warns the UK economy will grow more slowly this year than expected, Channel 4 News looks at the UK’s place in the unhappy global economic picture.

  • 2 Aug 2011

    Britain the low interest ‘safe haven’, or growth laggard?

    George Osborne’s new communications mantra is that Britain is a “safe haven in a storm”, that Britain is “stable”. To my occasionally cynical mind this seems to be a tacit admission that the Treasury recognises it has little to boast about so far as regards the economic numbers. The best that can be hoped for is stability. Stability is better than chaos. And if stability means austerity and that means low growth, than for the moment, so be it.

  • 12 Jul 2011

    Record discounts in the summer sales help deliver a surprise fall in inflation, which economists say could see the Bank of England freezing interest rates until spring 2012.

  • 21 Jun 2011

    Ahead of a confidence vote in Greece’s government, which is battling to save the country’s economy, a leading economist tells Channel 4 News a Greek debt default is “almost inevitable”.

  • 14 Jun 2011

    Official figures reveal that May’s inflation rate remains at a two and half year high, as research shows that the poorest have been worst hit by rising food and drink costs.

  • 9 Jun 2011

    The Bank of England keeps interest rates on hold, with the Monetary Policy Committee voting to maintain the Bank’s base rate at 0.5 per cent for the 27th month in a row.

  • 7 Jun 2011

    Britain’s hard-pressed householders face a new blow, as the big power companies prepare a round of double-digit price rises. Faisal Islam says it will push up inflation and pressure interest rates.

  • 11 May 2011

    As the Bank of England cuts its growth forecast and warns of volatile inflation, one economist tells Channel 4 News the Bank’s latest figures may still be too optimistic.

  • 5 May 2011

    The Bank of England has kept interest rates on hold at 0.5 per cent. The decision to maintain record low rates was widely expected after a set of gloomy economic indicators.

  • 12 Apr 2011

    Economists tell Channel 4 News interest rates for home owners may stay on hold until the end of next year as inflation dropped unexpectedly last month to 4 per cent.

  • 7 Apr 2011

    As the Bank of England meets to set interest rates, one of its main headaches is soaring petrol prices. Channel 4 News maps where you can get the cheapest, and most expensive, petrol in the UK.