Ireland bailout

  • 26 Oct 2011

    We track the repeat “crunch talks” which punctuate the eurozone debt crisis, as a global finance expert tells Channel 4 News Europe’s leaders are wrestling with an “ungovernable system”.

  • 25 Oct 2011

    Bank of England Governor Sir Mervyn King tells MPs measures adopted at the eurozone summit will only provide “a year or possibly two years’ breathing space” and the underlying problems remain.

  • 3 Oct 2011

    Stock markets around the world drop as indebted Greece says it will miss its deficit reduction target.

  • 28 Sep 2011

    As inspectors arrive in Greece to discuss bailing out the country’s economy, the president of the European Commission says the EU is facing the biggest challenge in its history.

  • 27 Sep 2011

    What happens if Europe’s politicians fail to resolve Greece’s debt problems? Channel 4 News looks at the repercussions.

  • 27 Sep 2011

    Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou says he will do what is necessary to deal with his country’s economic crisis, which is threatening to spill over into other European states.

  • 26 Sep 2011

    What would happen if Europe’s bailout fund runs out? Channel 4 News charts the funds that could be needed by struggling eurozone countries – the pot could be left empty if Spain gets help.

  • 26 Sep 2011

    Share prices increase as a 3tr euro package is proposed to save the single currency from collapse. Channel 4 News Economics Editor Faisal Islam reports from Greece.

  • 23 Sep 2011

    After partially recovering in early trading, shares in markets across Europe have fallen by between 1.5 per cent and 2.5 per cent, with the FTSE slumping below the 5000 mark.

  • 23 Sep 2011

    As finance ministers discuss the economic and financial crisis, former chancellor Alistair Darling tells Channel 4 News leadership is needed to avert another recession.

  • 20 Sep 2011

    As the IMF cuts its growth forecast for the British economy, Channel 4 News explains what it means for our money.

  • 23 Jun 2011

    Europe’s leaders are tonight locked in crisis talks to try and rescue Greece, as signs of a tentative deal with lending banks emerged that could help stave off bankruptcy.

  • 18 Jun 2011

    As the leaders of Germany and France call for a new bailout for Greece, we examine the available options – from financial support and austerity measures to the nuclear option of a debt default.

  • 16 Jun 2011

    Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou is to unveil a new cabinet and seek a vote of confidence from his Socialist party to try to push through an austerity package and avoid default.

  • 10 Jun 2011

    Brian Lenihan, the finance minister who led Ireland through the financial crisis, has died at the age of 52. He passed away at home surrounded by his family after a battle with pancreatic cancer.