A straw poll of those in support of Syrian bombing
As an opinion poll shows three quarters of people don’t support bombing Syria, Alex Thomson heads to Jack Straw’s patch in search of any people in favour.
The former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw could be sued by a former Libyan dissident who was allegedly kidnapped by the CIA in 2004 and taken to Libya.
As an opinion poll shows three quarters of people don’t support bombing Syria, Alex Thomson heads to Jack Straw’s patch in search of any people in favour.
Jack Straw clearly cannot stand by the statement that the British are not kidnapping and torturing people using third-party countries, merely that he insists he was not involved himself.
Labour’s National Executive Committee has given the go-ahead for local parties to start picking candidates for the new posts of police commissioners reports Michael Crick
The claim “Crime is now coming down… And this is the first government ever, since the war, which has seen a sustained fall in crime, year-on-year.” Jack Straw, Justice Secretary, 28 April 2010 The background Addressing an audience at the Honeywell Community Centre in Oldham, Justice Secretary Jack Straw made a bold claim on crime. But…
The question as to what extent the UK security services were aware of or were involved in any way in torture remains very live this week, blogs Jon Snow.
Just time for a short entry this evening. Had part planned a mini-rant about why on earth Jack Straw – the war-time Foreign Secretary – was only being allocated a paltry three hour session by the Inquiry, but now of course we know he’ll be coming back for another one in about a fortnight.
The Mail on Sunday suggested that the Queen was unhappy with Lord Chancellor Jack Straw at last week’s state opening of parliament. Here’s a video of the moment he handed her the speech.