Is any job worth this risk? I speak to Fukushima clear-up workers
One man told us he had come out of “a sense of duty” and there were others who were simply told by their employers that they had to work at Fukushima. “Could you refuse?” I asked one technician. “Well, that would put you in a very uncomfortable position,” he said before adding, “Japanese workers are very obedient.”
Japan: 'Tsunami – what tsunami?'
Alex Thomson on the remarkable effort to keep Japan’s airports operational just ten days after the devastating tsunami.
Japan: the town that lost its walls but kept its dignity
The town of Taro’s walls are in ruins; an earth and concrete embankment gouged and worn to nothing by the influx of thousands of tonnes of Pacific Ocean, blogs Alex Thomson from Japan.
Japan: calm amidst desolation
Walking the upturned streets of Ofunato in Japan, Alex Thomson paints a desolate scene of destruction in another day witnessing what he says is the worst disaster he has visited in his career.
Japan: operating as a journalist in the quakezone
Channel 4 News Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson on working in post-tsunami Japan where food is scarce but journalists are given rare access to worst-hit areas.