Jean-Claude Juncker

  • 31 May 2018

    British steel and aluminium will be priced out of the American market, after President Trump delivers on his campaign promise. Canada and Mexico join Europe as the latest targets. A retaliation is now unfolding as we speak, and there are fears tonight of a wider trade conflict.With Europe and America already at loggerheads over trade…

  • 29 Nov 2017

    Britain’s Brexit divorce bill could be almost £50bn. Theresa May insisted today that negotiations are still going on, but it looks like that is what Britain could promise to pay the EU in order to move the talks on to the crucial question of future trading arrangements. The pressure is on for a deal to be…

  • 9 Jun 2017

    The Brexit negotiations were meant to begin in just ten days time. And already, a warning from the European president Donald Tusk: get on with it, or risk emerging with no deal at all.

  • 12 Nov 2014

    Juncker says Luxembourg squeaky clean on tax

    ​Jean-Claude Juncker blames Europe for Luxembourg’s industrial scale tax avoidance, after a bombshell revelation about the country’s treatment of company finances.

  • 16 Jul 2014

    The Goves, Ken Clarke and Jean-Claude Juncker

    I understand word has gone out to Mrs Gove to stop hitting the tweet button after a series of messages blurted out on Wednesday. They threatened to undermine the coordinated Gove/Cameron operation to minimise his pain at the reshuffle. They may have been triggered by the late realisation in the Gove household that the office of…

  • 14 Jul 2014

    The other reshuffle – Juncker’s revenge?

    Has David Cameron timed his cabinet reshuffle to free up a cabinet minister to go to Brussels and become a European commissioner?

  • 26 Jun 2014

    David Cameron at Ypres: very well, alone

    David Cameron is facing isolation in the European Union as he clashes with fellow leaders at a two-day summit to choose a new president for the European Commission.

  • 6 Jun 2014

    Is Juncker on his way out of race?

    A senior aide to Herman von Rompuy has briefed Der Speigel that he expects Jean-Claude Juncker “to decide to withdraw if criticism continues”.

  • 3 Jun 2014

    Is Merkel still plotting against Juncker?

    Angela Merkel may want France to propose Christine Lagarde as the new European Commission boss. But neither she nor Luxembourg’s Jean-Claude Juncker are safe bets for the job.