John Worboys

  • 28 Apr 2018

    Despite being suspected of attacking more than 100 women, John Worboys was granted parole after spending a decade in jail.  Two of the women he attacked successfully challenged that decision and he remains behind bars. Now the government has set out plans to reform the parole system.

  • 28 Mar 2018

    Conservative MP Robert Neill, chair of the Commons justice committee, and Victims’ Commissioner, Baroness Helen Newlove, discuss the Worboys case.

  • 28 Mar 2018

    A Parole Board decision to release the rapist John Worboys has been overturned by three high court judges after a legal challenge by two victims. The chairman of the Parole Board, Nick Hardwick, was forced to resign after Justice Secretary David Gauke said his position had become untenable.

  • 14 Jan 2018

    The Government has said it will do all it can to keep the “black cab rapist” John Worboys behind bars. Victims and campaigners have welcomed the announcement that there could be a judicial review into the parole board’s decision to free the prolific sex attacker. Warboys was jailed in 2009 for attacks on 12 women…