London bombings: MI5 officer tells of ‘profound regret’
A senior MI5 officer tells the July 7 inquest of the Service’s “profound regret” for failing to prevent the London bombings, which killed 52 innocent people, as Andy Davies reports.
July 7 inquest hears testimony from bomber’s girlfriend
The July 7 inquest has heard the testimony of the former girlfriend of one of the suicide bombers, and have also seen a video of ringleader Mohammed Siddique Khan saying farewell to his baby daughter.
July 7 inquest hears from Tavistock Square bus survivors
A woman who survived the number 30 bus bomb in Tavistock Square tells the July 7 inquiry how she found her friend’s body shortly after the blast.
July 7 passengers left bus moments before blast
The inquest into the July 7 London bombings has heard how 50 people left the number 30 bus just seconds before the explosion in which 13 people were killed, as Andy Davies reports.
‘Bulky bag’ helped save life in July 7 bus bombing
A bus passenger who survived the July 7 terrorist attacks has revealed her extraordinary escape was down to a lack of space and a bulky bag, as Home Affairs Correspondent Andy Davies explains.
No appeal against July 7 inquest ruling
The Home Secretary, Theresa May, will not appeal against the ruling that the relatives of those killed should be allowed to hear top secret evidence presented to the July 7 inquests.
July 7 survivor: I thought passengers would burn to death
During the latest day of the inquest into the deaths of those killed in the July 7 bombings, one survivor recalls his fears for his fellow passengers.
‘Courageous’ survivors of July 7 bombings speak
An inquest into the deaths of the 52 people who died in the July 7 London bombings today heard testimonies from survivors in the Russell Square attack, which killed 26 people.
Relatives’ evidence over King’s Cross bombing on July 7
Relatives of the victims of the July 7 King’s Cross terror attack broke down in tears at the London bombings inquest as they recalled the harrowing events which left 26 people dead in 2005.
July 7 inquest: MI5 loses bid to give evidence in private
The Home Secretary and MI5 have lost their bid for intelligence officials to give evidence to the July 7 inquests behind closed doors.
July 7: the anxiety of giving evidence
A passenger who risked his life to help others after the July 7 bombings tells Channel 4 News about the horror of what happened and the anxiety of giving evidence at the inquests.
July 7: Survivors speak of tube blast terror
Survivors of the July 7 terror attacks have described the moment the Edgware Road bomb exploded. One of the victims said he felt like he was being electrocuted.
July 7: commuters boarded bombed train to help victims
A commuter left injured by the Edgware Road tube blast describes the aftermath of the explosion at the inquests into the deaths of the 52 people killed in the London bombings, writes Marcus Edwards.
London bombings: how one passenger saved a life
The inquest into the deaths of 52 people killed in the 7/7 bombings hears from a passenger who helped save the life of a critically injured fellow commuter, writes Marcus Edwards at the inquest.
London bombings: survivor recounts tube bomb horror
A survivor of the 7 July tube bombings tells the inquest into the deaths of the 52 victims how he was blown out of the train as a suicide bomber detonated his device.