Ken Livingstone calls for Labour MP expulsions
Is Jeremy Corbyn’s inner circle eyeing a showdown with Labour HQ over an aide’s “class war” tweet?
Is Jeremy Corbyn’s inner circle eyeing a showdown with Labour HQ over an aide’s “class war” tweet?
Bob Crow’s skill came in making members feel confident he knew what he was doing and could pull off a deal without landing them out of work.
“His best predictions at time of writing are that Labour would win 34.04 per cent of the vote in the next general election, but the Conservatives would still be ahead on 36.59 per cent.”
There have been tears, laughter, and the odd stray F-word. The London mayoral race has been high on emotion and more than usually bad-tempered. Boris Johnson has been slightly more careful with his facts, choosing to deal in aspirations rather than promises. Ken Livingstone has made some extravagant claims which have landed him in hot water. Here’s the verdict from FactCheck HQ on a very irritable election.
Channel 4 News Political Correspondent Michael Crick blogs on the Lomdon mayoral elections.
As the bitter battle for London’s City Hall rumbles on, Ken Livingstone threw in an old claim about affordable housing. But was it a good one? Team Boris didn’t think so. Pinging an email through to FactCheck, Boris’ camp labelled Mr Livingstone’s statement as a “false claim”. They added: “The London Development Database reports that there were actually 2,240 affordable starts over the same six month figures (April and September 2011)”. Who’s right? FactCheck homes in.
How many of UKIP’s manifesto pledges could Lawrence Webb actually force through it he was to become Mayor of London? FactCheck puts a selection to the test.
Channel 4 News Political Editor Gary Gibbon asks why Labour chose Ken for the London Mayor race?
“The actual cash saving this year is nothing like £445. It’s £3.10, barely enough to buy you a pint of beer in a central London pub.”
Can Ken Livingstone bring back the EMA? FactCheck gets out its red pen.
Boris Johnson tells Gary Gibbon that he will never run for Westminster – or for the party leadership – and that being London Mayor is the best job in politics.
Channel 4 News Political Editor Gary Gibbon on the first hustings of the London Mayoral campaign
“We’re happy to provide the figures for excess journey time that include industrial action, since Ken’s team insist. They show that the measure was still significantly better on average under Boris, even though he had more strikes to contend with.”
“The most dramatic difference was in lost passenger hours – a million a month more, on average, under Ken than under Boris.”
Is Ken Livingstone’s proposal to cut London’s transport fares without hitting services plausible? Channel 4 News’ Factcheck investigates.