Mark Zuckerberg

  • 9 Jun 2011

    Facebook admits it “should have been more clear” about the launch of a facial recognition tool, as users tell Channel 4 News the software feels “creepy” and “like surveillance”.

  • 25 May 2011

    It’s my little boy’s birthday today. He’s 4. I guess if Mark Zuckerberg had his way instead of shouting “wow” at 5.30 this morning when he saw the pile of presents at the end of his bed he’d have been online checking out his birthday greetings on his Facebook Wall, counting the pokes from his nursery school mates and downloading his gifts from an iTunes account.

  • 13 May 2011

    Facebook relies on our trust – to look after our data and not abuse it, but also to behave in a way that we are happy to be associated with. We may not be shareholders in Facebook, but we are stakeholders – after the privacy controls controversy that trust was initially shaken but largely recovered. The Social Network has some more work to do now. And Google will have to demonstrate that Facebook’s fears about their new service are unfounded. Otherwise we will have to reassess our relationship with these huge organisations who look different and sound different, but aren’t always as open as they’d like us to think.

  • 12 May 2011

    The social networking giant Facebook has admitted it hired a PR firm to plant stories critical of its rival Google.

  • 29 Apr 2011

    A group on Facebook claims the social networking site has deleted a number of politically-motivated accounts in the run-up to the Royal Wedding.

  • 12 Apr 2011

    Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg has won a legal battle against the Winklevoss twins who accuse him of stealing their idea. The brothers must now accept a previously agreed deal worth $65m.

  • 31 Jan 2011

    Facebook launches a new application for mobile phones in the UK, allowing users to claim free gifts or discounts at a range of partner firms.

  • 4 Jan 2011

    As the social networking site Facebook reportedly lands a cash injection which values the company at $50bn, Channel 4 News commentators debate the success and investment of the social media giant.