• 8 Nov 2010

    Could it be the end for control orders?

    Control orders – which mean suspects can be kept under virtual house arrest without any trial by jury – could be scrapped by the Coalition government, writes Gary Gibbon.

  • 18 Feb 2009

    Stellar insight from our former MI5 chief: pt 2

    When I was a cub reporter in 1974, even when the IRA was on the loose, bombing Britain’s streets, the number of cases held “in camera” in mainland Britain numbered one or two – in the main, they were spy cases. Very occasionally specific elements of a case – the name of an agent or…

  • 18 Feb 2009

    Stellar insight from our former MI5 chief: pt 1

    The suggestion by Stella Rimington – the less seen but often heard former head of MI5 – in an obscure Spanish paper that the UK was eroding civil liberties is not her first such claim. Indeed back in October she talked of the “huge over-reaction” to 9/11. Well, this week I have been informed by…