Theresa May: will the MPs’ favourite charm the members?
Even amongst Theresa May supporters you find plenty of MPs who say their candidate is not a great public performer and they worry she won’t come across well in hustings.
They were meant to herald a revolution in the way we teach children vocational skills, but last week yet another University Technical College announced it was to close – the seventh to do so. And it follows a familiar pattern: low student numbers, poor GCSE results and financial problems. The former Education Secretary Michael Gove…
Even amongst Theresa May supporters you find plenty of MPs who say their candidate is not a great public performer and they worry she won’t come across well in hustings.
MPs who’d already declared for Boris Johnson, with prominent seats reserved at this morning’s launch, have started deserting the Johnson camp already. Some at the London venue are wondering if his campaign launch planned for 11:30 will go ahead at all.
With a perfunctory call very close to the press statement announcing his candidacy, Michael Gove has abruptly arrested and probably completely destroyed Boris Johnson’s chances of becoming PM.
The plan had been to hold this Queen’s Speech after the referendum on the EU but the government felt there was a danger it would look like it had nothing to do.
The safety of prisons in England and Wales is getting worse, with deaths, self-harm, violence and disorder continuing to rise.
Justice Secretary Michael Gove accuses the Remain campaign of treating voters like children and trying to scare them into voting to stay in the EU in June’s referendum.
The scale of prison violence has emerged from new figures which show riot squads were called into jails on a daily basis last year.
The renegotiation deal David Cameron struck with other EU leaders is not legally binding, according to his cabinet colleague and friend Michael Gove.
Michael Gove defends the prison reforms on Channel 4 News tonight and tries to sell them to inmates at The Mount prison outside Hemel Hempstead.
In his first speech on prisons as justice secretary, Michael Gove will today promote education as a way of cutting reoffending rates. But there will be no mention of overcrowding.
The Criminal Bar Association in England and Wales votes to support solicitors who are on strike over Government cuts to legal aid.
Justice Secretary Michael Gove could face opposition from Conservative MP David Davis to government plans to scrap the human rights act. And the SNP’s Alex Salmond has described the plan as “insane”.
On the day the Conservatives launch their manifesto, the Tory chief whip tells Channel 4 News that money from council house sales will be used to build more homes and transform brownfield land.
What David Cameron said would happen before the last election – and what really happened.