
  • 14 May 2011

    As Colonel Gaddafi claims he is in a place where he cannot “be reached or killed”, Libya accuses Nato of killing 11 Muslim clerics in an airstrike on Brega, in eastern Libya, on 13 May.

  • 7 May 2011

    Rebels in Libya say Colonel Gaddafi’s planes have bombed oil storage tanks in Misrata. But Channel 4 News Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson says they may be not be accurate reports.

  • 5 May 2011

    Rebels are given a financial lifeline as allies seek to unlock Libya’s assets. A lawyer tells Channel 4 News the allies are now aggressively targeting Gaddafi while in Misrata the struggle continues.

  • 4 May 2011

    At the dockside jubilant aid workers disembarked, chanting “Allahu Akbar” and “in spite of Gaddafi we made it to Misrata!” Alex Thomson blogs on the docking of the Red Star 1

  • 4 May 2011

    A ship carrying humanitarian aid to besieged Misrata comes under fire, prompting UK Government protests. Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson witnesses the desperate efforts to rescue the wounded.

  • 3 May 2011

    Alex Thomson reports from the besieged Libyan city of Misrata, where a rescue ship, the Red Star, is being prevented from docking by the Libyan military.

  • 1 May 2011

    Beyond the horizon, 12 miles out at anchor, lies the Red Star ferry on charter to the International Organisation for Migration. Her 16 hour voyage from Benghazi to Misrata now an odyssey several days long as she waits offshore for notice that it is safe to dock.

  • 1 May 2011

    Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson visits a makeshift hospital amid the chaos of war in Misrata and witnesses the struggle of doctors trying to save young lives fatally wounded in battle.

  • 1 May 2011

    Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson travels through the besieged rebel-held city of Misrata to witness the strange semblance of normal life – amid the shattering calm of sudden heavy bombardment.

  • 30 Apr 2011

    I suppose that our team too remains trapped here until The Red Star can safely dock and then leave for Benghazi in the east.

  • 30 Apr 2011

    Gaddafi offers a ceasefire provided NATO stop aerial bombardment – but refuses to give up power as fighting continues. Alex Thomson reports from Misrata on the desperate struggle to save lives.

  • 28 Apr 2011

    Channel 4 News Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson blogs on why the rebel forces in Misrata were being uncharacteristically reluctant to take them to the site of a recent explosion.

  • 28 Apr 2011

    Channel 4 News has obtained photographs showing the devastation around a site near the Libyan city of Misrata where at least 12 rebels were killed in an explosions, blamed by locals on NATO.

  • 28 Apr 2011

    Up to 15 people, believed to be rebel fighters, may have been killed in a NATO airstrike in the besieged Libyan city of Misrata, local sources tell Channel 4 News.

  • 27 Apr 2011

    Life in besieged Misrata throws up many questions, blogs Alex Thomson. Why, for example, were thousands of migrant workers allowed to gather close to the port, where they inevitably became a target?