NHS reform and cuts: special report

  • 17 Jun 2011

    The Government has backed down on its plans to strip the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) of its duty to recommend drugs and treatments for the National Health Service.

  • 14 Jun 2011

    Health Secretary Andrew Lansley is expected to set out a significant rewrite of his NHS reforms after an independent review found “genuine and deep-seated concerns” about the plans.

  • 14 Jun 2011

    Significant alterations of the Government’s NHS reforms are being published after a review found “deep-seated concerns” about the plans. Gary Gibbon looks at what the changes mean.

  • 13 Jun 2011

    Experts advising the Government suggest the NHS reform bill needs some surgery, after hearing of deep-seated concerns over the changes from NHS staff, patients and the public.

  • 13 Jun 2011

    Experts are due to unveil recommendations on the Government’s plans for the NHS after Nick Clegg claimed victory for the Liberal Democrats in the row over health reforms.

  • 12 Jun 2011

    The Liberal Democrats claim victory in the battle to make substantial changes to NHS reforms after growing controversy over the plans, writes Victoria Macdonald.

  • 7 Jun 2011

    As the Prime Minister makes a major speech on changes to NHS reforms, the BMA says it’s a significant step in the right direction but that doubts remain about the use of competition in the NHS.

  • 6 Jun 2011

    Children under the age of six are being dosed with drugs for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD – against all national guidelines, Channel 4 News learns.

  • 26 May 2011

    Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg says the NHS will not “change for change’s sake”, as one Tory minister tells Channel 4 News negotiating with the Lib Dems is like “trying to pin down jelly.”

  • 18 May 2011

    Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg is set to oppose a key element of the NHS reforms. In a leaked document, he says he is unconvinced by plans for an “economic regulator” as if the NHS were a “utility”.

  • 18 May 2011

    As Nick Clegg squares up to the Health Secretary over the NHS, health policy expert Roy Lilley tells Channel 4 News there is no turning back on the Health Bill now despite competition fears.

  • 18 May 2011

    Nick Clegg is expected to propose further amendments to the Health Bill over the next few weeks as he attempts to appease his party over the scale and pace of the reforms, writes Victoria Macdonald.

  • 16 May 2011

    Prime Minister David Cameron signals his determination to go ahead with reforms to the NHS – but there could be major changes and plenty of politics still ahead, a health expert tells Channel 4 News.

  • 13 May 2011

    One in three pharmacists is so stressed and overburdened with paperwork that their service to patients is affected, potentially putting patient safety at risk, Channel 4 News learns.

  • 9 May 2011

    As politicians clash over the future of the NHS reforms, Dr Richard Withers – the chair of one of the first GP consortia to be set up – explains how it’s working out and how it can be a success.