FactCheck: Does PFI offer the taxpayer value for money?
The claim “We are using PFI to ensure value for money and that the public interest and public services are properly protected when we increase public investment.” Gordon Brown, The Times, September 26, 2002
FactCheck: Cameron set to break promise on NHS cuts
“There is no cut in the National Health Service – we’re actually putting £10.6bn extra into the NHS during this parliament.” David Cameron MP, Prime Minister’s Questions, 2 February 2011
FactCheck: Are we as unhealthy as the Victorians?
The claim “Health inequalities in 21st century Britain are as wide as they were in Victorian times” Prime Minister David Cameron, speech on modern public service, January 17, 2011
NHS funding: is the government breaking its promise?
Labour accuses the government of breaking its promise to increase spending on the health service in real terms. Are they right?
FactCheck: is the NHS really healthy?
FactCheck analyses Health Secretary Andrew Lansley’s commitment to “cut the deficit, not the NHS”.
CutsCheck: NHS really safe in their hands?
CutsCheck looks at the cuts being made by NHS trusts, despite the government’s pledge to increase health service spending in real terms every year
Will £200m saving on NI fund more cancer drugs?
The Conservative Party claims it can pay for all cancer drugs on the NHS from the money it “saves” by not implementing the National Insurance rise.
Struggling to count Labour’s care costs
FactCheck anayses Gordon Brown’s claim to make savings through providing more NHS cancer care in the community.