Norwich North by-election

  • 24 Jul 2009

    A landslide victory without the landslide?

    The more you look at the Norwich result the more puzzling it is. Sea-change political moments require “converts,” or so we’ve always thought. You can’t build a mighty national majority on the other party’s core vote staying at home, or can you? Tory strategists claim they got some Labour converts and that the party tallies…

  • 24 Jul 2009

    Norwich result will strike fear into Labour strategists

    Ouch! There are significant numbers of what would normally be called “core Labour voters” in Norwich North. Their abstentions and switching will strike fear in the heart of Labour strategists in No 10. Labour has been targeting white, working-class voters with messages – not least the social housing for “local people” line in the Building…

  • 24 Jul 2009

    Ian Gibson: remembered at the count

    A solitary poignant demo as we wait for the Norwich North by-election declaration.

  • 24 Jul 2009

    At the Norwich count, where a vicar wears a BNP rosette

    11.50AM UPDATE: We are hearing that the Libs have held on to third place and that UKIP may have pushed the Greens – who had high hopes here – into fifth. Not long to wait. – I am in a sea of Confederate flags and caravans at the Norwich North by-election count. There’s a country…

  • 22 Jul 2009

    Brown’s press conference – a rehearsal for by-election defeat?

    Gordon Brown at his press conference just now sounded like a man rehearsing his lines for Friday when Norwich North looks like getting a Tory MP. He said he thought “people do understand the uniqueness of this by-election” in answer (or rather in reply) to a question about why he deselected Ian Gibson. David Cameron…