Nouri al-Maliki

  • 11 Aug 2014

    Iraq: the last days of Maliki?

    As long as Nouri al Maliki refuses to step down, the Iraqi government is doing no governing at all, let alone getting a grip on the military disaster to the north.

  • 27 Jun 2014

    Fear and loathing in Baghdad

    I was in Baghdad in 2003, filming “shock and awe”. Despite the violence, it was a time of hope. But now the Iraqi capital is riven by terrorism and state-sponsored violence.

  • 17 Aug 2010

    Lindsey Hilsum blogs on how today’s Baghdad bomb attack is the latest sign that insurgents are seeking to exploit the political void caused by Iraq’s inconclusive election.

  • 7 Jan 2010

    Today’s hearing from the Iraq inquiry focuses on the consequences of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s 2008 Operation Charge of the Knights, which targeted the militias and criminal gangs of Basra

  • 30 Jun 2009

    As the US pulls out, what did the Iraq war achieve?

    Iraq is a country I have visited many times since I was first there to report from the front line of the harrowing Iran/iraq war in 1980. Foreign intervention and interference has dogged it for more than a century. No wonder Baghdad is seized with parties and celebration. For the promised American pull-out from Iraq…