Omar Suleiman

  • 14 Feb 2011

    As the extent of the looting at the Egyptian Museum is revealed fears increase that historic sites across Egypt could be targeted.

  • 11 Feb 2011

    A senior aide to President Mubarak tells Lindsey Hilsum in Cairo that “the revolution won” and the President no longer has power. But the protesters pouring onto the streets appear to disagree.

  • 11 Feb 2011

    As protesters mass in Cairo again, Channel 4 News looks into the 24 hours that saw President Mubarak face down intense pressure for his immediate resignation.

  • 7 Feb 2011

    Protesters remain in Cairo’s Tahrir Square, as Egypt’s politicians begin talks to end the political crisis, and a senior Google executive is released after a week in custody.

  • 4 Feb 2011

    After a week of dramatic social unrest in Egypt, we take a look back at how Jonathan Rugman, Jon Snow and Lindsey Hilsum told the unfolding story – in Cairo and Alexandria – via Twitter.

  • 3 Feb 2011

    The Egyptian Army’s passivity in the bloody protests suggests an internal conflict of agendas, one which could inspire a coup by lower-level officers, a former Army Commander tells Channel 4 News.

  • 3 Feb 2011

    Field hospitals have been set up in Cairo to treat the wounded from bloody clashes in Tahrir Square. Channel 4 News speaks to a volunteer prevented from delivering medical supplies by “armed thugs”.

  • 3 Feb 2011

    President Mubarak says Egypt will descend into chaos if he resigns now – but as ten die in the battle between Mubarak supporters and pro-democracy protesters, Jon Snow in Cairo says it already has.

  • 3 Feb 2011

    As the struggle goes in Tahrir Square on for the soul of Egypt, foreign policy analyst Ziya Meral says that the shape of country’s political future may be closest to that of Israel.

  • 3 Feb 2011

    The Egyptian Army’s passivity in the bloody protests suggests an internal conflict of agendas, one which could inspire a coup by lower-level officers, a former Army Commander tells Channel 4 News.

  • 2 Feb 2011

    Follow the Channel 4 News team on the ground in Egypt – and add your voice to the #c4news live blog.

  • 2 Feb 2011

    Egypt’s police have disappeared from the streets where protesters have amassed in their thousands, and a former Middle East adviser to the EU tells Channel 4 News that the top brass may be in hiding.

  • 2 Feb 2011

    Follow the Channel 4 News team on the ground in Egypt – and add your voice to the #c4news live blog.

  • 2 Feb 2011

    As violence erupts on the streets of the Egyptian capital, Channel 4 News looks at the victims of the protests and speaks to “The Martyr” who helped mobilise thousands to take on the regime.

  • 1 Feb 2011

    It is being billed as a march of a million people, aimed at revolutionising Egypt’s politics. Channel 4 News explores some of the key social media players helping to fuel events in Cairo.