Osama bin Laden

  • 2 May 2011

    Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is killed following a firefight with US troops in Pakistan. But International Editor Lindsey Hilsum questions how significant his death will be for the war on terror.

  • 2 May 2011

    The man who live-tweeted the US raid on Osama bin Laden – without realising – becomes a Twitter sensation. He moved to Abbottabad in Pakistan for a quiet life, but took with him the social media age.

  • 2 May 2011

    As Osama bin Laden is killed by US special forces, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones – who was part of the original team hunting the al-Qaeda leader – assesses the implications.

  • 2 May 2011

    Osama bin Laden has been killed by US troops in Pakistan, ending a decade-long hunt for the man accused of orchestrating 9/11. Add your voice to the Channel 4 News live blog.

  • 10 Nov 2009

    Sarah Smith asks why Americans are reluctant to believe that the killing of 13 people by a lone gunman at Fort Hood last week could be the work of a “clean skin” terrorist.

  • 14 May 2009

    Saudi Arabia: still funding the Taliban?

    Yesterday in Downing Street I asked Gordon Brown whether Saudi Arabia is still funding the Taliban. I was attending a news conference he was hosting with Pakistan’s President Zardari. Mr Brown did not address my specific question. Sidestepping the Saudi aspect, he described the MI6 financial units that are now hard at work tracking Taliban…