
  • 14 Oct 2020

    What are the climate implications of a Trump or Biden presidency?

  • 15 Nov 2019

    In this week’s podcast, veteran political analyst Professor John Curtice and Professor Matthew Goodwin of the University of Kent share their predictions for this general election. Both are agreed that a Conservative majority is most likely at this stage, but aren’t ruling out a hung parliament. According to Curtice, “the Tories are about 2:1 on to…

  • 26 Feb 2018

    Corbyn backs customs union

    After weeks of pressure from trade unions and some Labour MPs on the front and back benches, Jeremy Corbyn has conceded the U.K. under a Labour government would seek to join a customs union that looked a lot like the customs union we are already in as members. Jeremy Corbyn said Britain must be able…

  • 5 Dec 2017

    Labour announces fundamental shift in Brexit policy

    In a fast-moving plot, yet another twist. The Labour front bench has used the urgent question put down to ask David Davis about yesterday’s Brussels mess-up to announce a fundamental shift in its own policy.

  • 3 Dec 2017

    “Talking the talk is all very well, but you also need to walk the walk” – the parting shot of the Chairman of the government’s Social Mobility Commission. Alan Milburn said he didn’t doubt the Prime Minister’s personal commitment to the issue, but he’d reluctantly concluded that Brexit is occupying much of her attention, to…