Cameron olive branch to China
Since the PM met the Dalai Lama at St Paul’s Cathedral last year, Britain has been put on the naughty step by China. His words today are a sign he wants to improve relations with Beijing.
The Grenfell Tower disaster dominated the first Prime Minister’s Questions since the election. But it was the noises coming from Downing Street that were making the headlines as a Government source briefed journalists that a reversal of the public sector pay freeze could be on the cards – a briefing dismissed barely three hours later.
Since the PM met the Dalai Lama at St Paul’s Cathedral last year, Britain has been put on the naughty step by China. His words today are a sign he wants to improve relations with Beijing.
The immigration measures in the Queen’s speech will be prominent in many voters’ minds – but history may not judge them to be the most significant.
It was a short Queen’s Speech, and for some not a very sweet one – with the government taking a beating for making no mention of some key policies. Is it the Lib Dems’ fault as Mr Cameron claims? FactCheck looks at what was missing in the Speech and why.
Channel 4 News political editor Gary Gibbon on the danger that faces the Coalition in its Lords reform proposals
NHS reforms may yet face further opposition in the House of Lords, reports Gary Gibbon
Hard to believe, but the fact that the perfectly turned out Samantha Cameron was not wearing a hat whilst sitting demurely in the public gallery of the House of Lords represented a major parliamentary moment.
Labour Chief Whip Nick Brown and Government Chief Whip Patrick McLoughlin enjoy the sunshine as we wait for the state opening.