Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)

  • 25 Mar 2009

    Fred's shredding rattles a Snow family skeleton

    The shredding of Sir Fred Goodwin’s glassware has an awful inevitability about it. His own behaviour may have led to his demonisation. It’s hard to see how his position can improve until either the authorities act (if there’s a provable case against him) or he tries to make some kind of amends.

  • 18 Mar 2009

    Where the US leads, could others follow?

    AIG, the US insurer which got through $170bn of taxpayers’ money in order to survive and then had the cheek to pay $165m of it to dozens of senior executives, is up before a congressional committee today.

  • 10 Mar 2009

    When a gag becomes a get-out clause

    I had dinner last night with a private equity guy who is still in the money. Interesting entity. He tipped me to something I had not thought about.

  • 26 Feb 2009

    Picture of a bank in not such rude health

    I’ve just been down to RBS to interview the new chief executive, Stephen Hester – an excellent interview, on Channel 4 News tonight (see extended interview below).

  • 19 Feb 2009

    Congratulations! You and I own another bank

    Yes, it’s official, we are in charge of Lloyds Banking Group, aka Lloyds TSB HBOS. In fact we didn’t know it. But we’ve had it since 13 October last year. According to a release that lands on our desks this morning, the Office of National Statistics has deemed that both RBS (which we already knew…

  • 21 Jan 2009

    Is it time to feel the bankers' ermine collars?

    There’s nothing like a quick visit to America to remind you of the interesting contrasts between our two nations – divided as they are by a common tongue. In the United States President Obama tells bankers to show responsibility and forego bonuses because “there are people who are a lot less well off, who are…