A Libyan summit without Libya
Jon Snow first met Colonel Gaddafi in 1978, and was intrigued and appalled by his eccentricity in equal measure. That eccentricity, and his brutality, has never left him, he says.
Libyan police desperately tried to silence Eman al-Obeidi when she told journalists Gaddafi’s men had raped her. Here, she tells Jonathan Miller the full story and what happened to her afterwards.
There was a sense of completion, of the sort journalists rarely get while reporting a story, in meeting Eman al-Obeidi in Qatar. Here she was, free at last from the fear that had stalked her for more than six weeks. She looked composed, sitting there in her blue jeans and hejab. She wore make-up. And she was smiling.
Eman al-Obeidi, the Libyan woman who burst into a hotel filled with the world’s media to claim she was gang-raped by Gaddafi’s men, tells Channel 4 News what happened to her after that fateful day.
Channel 4 News Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Miller reports on the challenges of broadcasting stories from the parts of Libya still under Gaddafi’s control.
Follow Channel 4 News across Libya as the conflict continues and watch the latest reports.
Jon Snow first met Colonel Gaddafi in 1978, and was intrigued and appalled by his eccentricity in equal measure. That eccentricity, and his brutality, has never left him, he says.
The long-besieged city of Misrata, the third largest in Libya, is facing imminent humanitarian disaster, writes Mike Hobbs a journalist who’s worked extensively in Libya.
As RAF jets target Libyan air defence and weapons sites alongside US and French forces – latest updates and video from #c4news. Add your voice via the live blog, Twitter or Facebook.
Western air power continues to lead the massive air strikes against the forces of Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi. Follow all the events on our live blog, Twitter and Facebook.
As government and rebel fighters battle for control of Ajdabiya, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones looks at the strength of Gaddafi forces heading for Benghazi.
As Saif al-Islam Gaddafi tells Channel 4 News Benghazi will be “liberated” in two days Gary Gibbon says the Prime Minister will have a number of phone-calls to make.
Colonel Gaddafi’s son Saif tells Channel 4 News that millions of people in east Libya will be “liberated from dark forces” in two days, as the UN Secretary General calls for an immediate ceasefire.
As Colonel Gaddafi forces retake key towns in Libya, including Brega, defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones looks at the military options and how Libya’s leader has bounced back this week.
Colonel Gaddafi’s son Saif has called many things – often by fellow Libyans who want to kill him. But is he a fraud? FactCheck examines allegations of plagiarism surrounding the former LSE student’s PhD thesis.
Western leaders including David Cameron are considering implementing a no-fly zone over Libya – but the former commander of British forces in Bosnia, now an MP, tells Channel 4 News he has concerns.