Did we miss the other revolution?
Lindsey Hilsum explains why the development of shale gas exploitation in North America means Saudi Arabia is losing its geopolitical hold.
Lindsey Hilsum explains why the development of shale gas exploitation in North America means Saudi Arabia is losing its geopolitical hold.
The IOC president tells Channel 4 News he is “optimistic” Saudi women will be able to compete in London 2012. But pressure on the IOC to issue a ban is growing.
Channel 4 News presentert Jon Snow blogs on the Saudi Arabian government’s decision to ban women athletes from the London Olympics
Will the Taliban renounce “international terrorism” as the US demands? Will they get their prisoners out of Guantanamo Bay? And will they recognise the Karzai regime in Kabul at all? Once you see movement on this you can start taking matters seriously.
The British Museum director – Britain’s foremost cultural ambassador – has nimbly walked through another political minefield to bring Islam’s holiest site to this revered corner of Bloomsbury in London.
Jon Snow blogs on David Cameron’s recent low-profile visit to Saudi Arabia.
Defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones assesses where conflicts are most likely to erupt over the next 12 months.
Saudi Arabian hackers have claimed a successful cyber attack on Israeli computer servers, publishing the financial details and mobile phone numbers of an estimated 400,000 people.
Behind the scenes, the diplomatic momentum on Syria is growing. We are not just talking about the Arab League giving President Assad three days to halt the violence. I understand that senior American diplomats are travelling to Paris today to meet Syrian opposition figures, as well as a conclave of the British, French, Turks, Saudis…
The US and Saudi Arabia are to take Iran to the UN Security Council for its alleged role in a plot to kill the Saudi ambassador, as Washington Correspondent Matt Frei reports.
The ruler of Saudi Arabia, King Abdullah, overturns a court’s sentence of 10 lashes imposed on a woman for breaking a driving ban in the country.
Jon Snow considers the lot of women in Saudi society and the restrictions they still face.
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia announces that women will be able to run as candidates in municipal elections and “even have the right to vote”.
A leading expert on the terror group tells Channel 4 News why al-Qaeda is in decline – and where the next 9/11-style plot could come from.
Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah demands an end to the bloodshed in Syria and recalls his country’s ambassador from Damascus, in a rare intervention.