That Gove/May spat …
Bad-tempered letters between Home Secretary and Education Secretary speak more of clashing ambitions than ideological differences.
The government is cracking down on fatty and sweet foods in schools, allowing pupils just two portions each week, while milk will once again be introduced during the school day.
“Muslim values are British values” declared the posters around the hall as parents, teachers and governors gathered at a hall in Small Heath, Birmingham, to discuss their response to Ofsted’s report.
Michael Gove’s call for schools to promote “British values” has caused something of a stir on Twitter and Facebook. So what’s the verdict? Here is our slightly unscientific attempt to find out.
Requiring schools to “promote British values” and introducing no-notice inspections, are just two of the measures Michael Gove wants to introduce to tackle extremism in schools.
A leading Tory says top public schools should give a quarter of their places to children from poorer families. We took him and his Labour opponent to one such school, Wellington College.
How do children from the Birmingham schools at the centre of allegations of an Islamic extremist take-over feel about the controversy? And are they too young for anti-radicalisation measures?
Bad-tempered letters between Home Secretary and Education Secretary speak more of clashing ambitions than ideological differences.
Conservative cabinet ministers Theresa May and Michael Gove issue a joint statement saying they are “working together” on alleged Islamist extremism in schools following a dispute over the issue.
Oldknow Academy, one of the Birmingham schools at the centre of the Trojan horse allegations of an attempted take-over by Islamic extremists, has its Ofsted rating slashed after its latest inspection.
1960s campaigns made massive strides in de-segregating US education. But as requirements on schools to educate black and white students are relaxed, re-segregation is becoming increasingly prevalent.
A decade on from Jamie Oliver’s school dinners crusade, are children any healthier? FactCheck gets stuck in.
State schools are turning out “amoral” children who don’t have a “moral compass” says a leading independent school head. Is he right? Here’s what Channel 4 News readers had to say about it.
A senior teacher connected to an alleged Muslim plot to take over a number of Birmingham schools tells Channel 4 News there was a campaign to employ more Muslim teachers – in order to raise standards.
A survey of teachers suggests that some parents are working such long hours, children as young as four are spending 10 hours at school each day, producing “ghost” children. Fatima Manji reports.
Schools watchdog Ofsted investigates 25 Birmingham schools over claims they’re at the centre of an Islamist plot. Council leader Sir Albert Bore says the letter the claims are based on may be fake.