Sexual crime

  • 30 Sep 2018

    After a flurry of last-minute negotiations, the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination for the Supreme Court following a late call from Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona for a one-week investigation into sexual assault allegations against President Trump’s nominee. It comes after emotional testimony from Dr Christine Blasey Ford, who says she was assaulted…

  • 29 Sep 2018

    One of the pivital moments yesterday came when Senator Jeff Flake was confronted in a lift by two women claiming to be survivors of sexual abuse. We speak to one of those women – Ana Maria Archila.

  • 28 Apr 2018

    Despite being suspected of attacking more than 100 women, John Worboys was granted parole after spending a decade in jail.  Two of the women he attacked successfully challenged that decision and he remains behind bars. Now the government has set out plans to reform the parole system.

  • 20 Jul 2017

    The largest rise in crime for a decade has been recorded in England and Wales, with the biggest increase in violent and sexual crime. This, as the Home Office revealed police numbers are at their lowest since 1985.