The Hague

  • 29 Nov 2017

    A convicted Bosnian Croat war criminal has died after swallowing what he claimed was poison, while in the dock during a session of the UN’s international tribunal in the Hague. A judge had just confirmed Slobodan Praljak’s 20 year sentence for involvement in crimes during the Bosnian war. Proceedings were brought to a sudden halt…

  • 5 Nov 2010

    A new chapter has opened in the story of who will be held to account for the violence that followed Kenya’s elections in late 2007, writes Lindsey Hilsum.

  • 13 Oct 2010

    The endemic sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo is not an unreported story – but reporting itself cannot make the difference, as Lindsey Hilsum writes of new hope that the perpetrators could be caught.

  • 27 Oct 2009

    Does anyone under thirty care about Radovan Karadzic?

    Does anyone who was fifteen when he was at the height of his murderous powers, KNOW about Radovan Karadzic?

  • 26 Oct 2009

    I’m sure he didn’t actually smoke all the time, but I cannot ever remember seeing Radovan Karadzic not smoking. The fag, the almost quiff-like status of that barnet (easily the most ludicrous of the Balkan wars Vuk Draskovic included) and his often rambling, rapid -fire manner of speaking at assorted press conferences around Bosnia. And…

  • 26 Mar 2009

    Sudan’s president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir must be on Red Bull – or maybe it just takes an indictment from the International Criminal Court to give you wings. Eritrea on Monday. Yesterday, embraced by President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo. Today, it was reported he was off to Ethiopia, before he actually turned up in Libya for…

  • 24 Mar 2009

    Make preparations,” the second-in-command of al-Qaida said today, “for a long guerrilla war, because the modern-day Crusade has bared its fangs at you.” Ayman al-Zawahiri was addressing President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan, indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court in The Hague three weeks ago. I interviewed the ICC’s chief…

  • 4 Mar 2009

    I first met Omar al-Bashir, President of Sudan and – as of today – indicted war criminal, a few days after he seized power in 1989. Three journalists including myself managed to get to Khartoum within a day of the coup which had overthrown the government of Sadiq al-Mahdi. Our first stop was the presidential…

  • 20 Feb 2009

    Well, the silver-quiffed Mr Karadzic did indeed appear as scheduled in Courtroom No 1 today – and here’s the evidence. But it’s questions over evidence of the legal variety that have messed up proceedings today: the former Bosnian Serb wartime leader wasn’t given the chance to plead because of what the prosecution admitted was “a clerical…

  • 20 Feb 2009

    Dr Dragan Dabic, the erstwhile silver-bearded new age guru of Uri Gagarin Street,  New Belgrade (until he was exposed last summer as the former Bosnian Serb leader and alleged war criminal Radovan Karadzic), is back in Courtroom One at The Hague this afternoon at 14:15 local time. His reappearance coincides with the reappearance in London…