
  • 11 Jul 2018

    Former US Ambassador to Nato, Ivo Daalder, discusses President Trump’s approach to the summit. Are Donald Trump’s calls on NATO to spend 4 per cent of GDP on defence realistic?

  • 11 Jul 2018

    Austrian Foreign Minister Karin Kneissl discusses President Trump and her country’s attitude to migration.

  • 15 Jun 2018

    China has accused the United States of launching a trade war, after President Trump declared he would impose tariffs of 25% on Chinese imports worth $50 billion. Beijing immediately threatened to respond in kind, to defend its national interests. This was after the US imposed steep tariffs on steel and aluminium from Canada and the…

  • 12 Jun 2018

    Ian Bremmer, president of the political risk consultancy Eurasia Group, and Ned Price, who served as special assistant to President Obama and National Security Council spokesperson, discuss the Singapore summit.

  • 12 Jun 2018

    In America, the divisions were clear, with Fox News this morning heralding the summit as a triumph, while over on MSNBC, they decried President Trump him for cosying up to a dictator, while turning his back on his allies. We asked Americans what they thought of their negotiator-in-chief.

  • 12 Jun 2018

    By coming to Singapore and holding this summit Donald Trump has shown he is prepared to gamble in the cause of peace, and if nothing else he has transformed the rhetoric from dark threats about nuclear annihilation to warm words about friendship and new beginnings. The President left with the deal he acclaimed light on…

  • 11 Jun 2018

      With minimal preparation, there are just hours to go. Officials from North Korea and the United States have spent the day huddled in a Singapore hotel ahead of tomorrow’s historic summit, while the leaders themselves were taking it far easier. Kim Jong-un went out on a late night city tour, while Donald Trump, emerging…

  • 2 Jun 2018

    President Trump has fired the opening salvoes in a trade war, but the European Union hasn’t quite returned fire yet. While retaliatory tariffs have been proposed, but not so far imposed, the EU Trade Commissioner had firm words, calling the US levies on European steel and aluminium “protectionist” and “illegal”. She wasn’t alone… France’s President Macron…

  • 2 Jun 2018

    Susan Danger is from the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU in Brussels, and Robert Scott is from the Economic Policy Institute in Washington.

  • 31 May 2018

    British steel and aluminium will be priced out of the American market, after President Trump delivers on his campaign promise. Canada and Mexico join Europe as the latest targets. A retaliation is now unfolding as we speak, and there are fears tonight of a wider trade conflict.With Europe and America already at loggerheads over trade…

  • 31 May 2018

    Labour MP Stephen Kinnock tells us that President Trump’s ‘blunderbuss’ approach to trade is ‘utterly reckless’.

  • 24 May 2018

    One man who knows how Donald Trump rolls is Steve Bannon. The former chairman of the hard, right-wing Breitbart News website was appointed by Trump as his chief strategist after helping run the presidential campaign. But while the White House may have broken ties with Steve Bannon he’s still carrying on with the work that…

  • 24 May 2018

    Joining me over the internet from Washington is Mark Fitzpatrick from the International Institute for Strategic Studies. He’s written extensively on North Korea’s nuclear programme.

  • 24 May 2018

    Next month’s summit with the North Koreans was supposed to be a foreign policy triumph for President Trump. He said his threats of military action, often in tweets aimed the leader he mocked as “little rocket man”, coupled with sanctions, had driven Kim Jong-un to discuss abandoning his nuclear ambitions. But today – after the…

  • 18 May 2018

    This isn’t the first school shooting since the February attack in Florida, but it’s the deadliest. Ten students and staff members are reported to have been killed in a high school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas. A suspect is in custody, authorities say the gunman is a 17-year-old male student from the school, and that…